October 27, 2024
Hunter Biden’s laptop has been a goldmine for exposing the depravity of the Biden family. Seemingly weekly, some new, more disturbing revelation is revealed. Recently, the president’s son was implicated in a Russian human trafficking ring, with money from Joe Biden himself being used to pay the prostitutes. Naturally, because the Bidens play for the […]

Hunter Biden’s laptop has been a goldmine for exposing the depravity of the Biden family. Seemingly weekly, some new, more disturbing revelation is revealed. Recently, the president’s son was implicated in a Russian human trafficking ring, with money from Joe Biden himself being used to pay the prostitutes.

Naturally, because the Bidens play for the “right” team, though, the mainstream media still largely won’t touch the story. That’s given the White House the excuse to simply say they won’t comment on anything from the laptop, an answer that would never have satisfied to press if this involved anyone within a mile of Donald Trump.

But while partisan journalists continue to run interference for the president and his family, a DOJ investigation into Hunter Biden is apparently heating up and is much farther reaching than originally reported.

Contrary to the initial white-washing by the media that this might just be a civil matter, the crimes listed here are serious and criminal in nature. You don’t commit tax fraud and money laundering and get a civil fine. Well, let me rephrase that: No normal person does. In fact, the list of crimes being investigated mirrors that of Paul Manafort, who was ruthlessly pursued and sentenced to over seven years in prison during the Trump administration.

If Hunter Biden goes down, there’s no way the Biden family walks away unscathed. I’m not suggesting the DOJ would ever touch the president or his wife (both of whom shared an office with one of Hunter Biden’s Chicom business partners). What I am suggesting is that the political cost would be high among those who are actually swayable in the electorate. Joe Biden insists that he’s going to run for re-election, and his financial involvement with his son will be an issue.

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Then there’s the question of a pardon. Would Joe Biden really sit idly by and let Hunter Biden rot in prison? Sure, that would be the moral thing to do, but the president has always been fiercely loyal to his degenerate son, wiring him hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years and constantly defending him. But if Joe Biden issues a pardon, the corruption will be impossible to sweep under the rug.

Ironically, on the same day Catherine Herridge delivered that report, Hunter Biden appeared at the White House, something that has been a very rare occurrence. It makes you wonder whether the Bidens are trying to soften his image knowing what’s coming?

Still, we should all be skeptical that the DOJ will follow through here. AG Merrick Garland is a rabid partisan who does the White House’s bidding. If Joe Biden hints for him to back off, you might end up seeing a civil settlement after all. With that said, I think the horse is out of the barn on this. If the DOJ leadership tries to punt, you may see internal dissent spill into the open. Obviously, the US Attorney in Delaware believes this is a serious issue, and if he’s sandbagged, the public won’t forget.

Story cited here.

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