October 28, 2024
One of the leaders of a campaign to oust far-left San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin has now been sworn in to take over his job.

One of the leaders of a campaign to oust far-left San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin has now been sworn in to take over his job.

Brooke Jenkins, 40, was an assistant district attorney under Boudin when she resigned last year to begin a campaign that successfully recalled her boss over his lax treatment of violent criminals and drug offenders. Jenkins was appointed by Mayor London Breed and sworn in on Friday.

San Francisco District Attorney
Brooke Jenkins
Santiago Mejia/AP

“The paramount mission of the district attorney’s office is to promote public safety. And as your next district attorney, I will restore accountability and consequences to our criminal justice system here in San Francisco,” Jenkins said at a ceremony after being sworn in. “Violent and repeat offenders will no longer be allowed to victimize our city without consequence.”


The unprecedented recall saw 61% of voters agree that skyrocketing crime, particularly hate crime against Asians, made San Francisco practically unlivable for many residents. Census data in March showed a 6.3% population drop, the biggest in the nation.

Boudin was elected two years ago on a promise that he would prosecute police officers in use-of-force cases and institute prison reform. The result has made San Francisco one of the most dangerous cities in America, with a crime index of “4” — meaning it’s safer than just 4% of other cities across the nation.

Much of this involves property crime to feed the habits of drug offenders. Jenkins promised to address the issue.

“Hate crimes will no longer be tolerated. Our Asian community will no longer continue to live in fear of being attacked simply because of who they are,” she said. “We have to end the existence of open-air drug markets in our city, and that will be one of our top priorities. From minute one, I will be enforcing our drug crime laws so we can start taking back our city.”

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon could suffer the same fate, as he ushered in similar policies that included downgrading most felonies and not enforcing most gun or drug crimes. Recall organizers submitted 717,000 voter signatures this week to unseat Gascon.

“It looks like a new day for public safety in San Francisco,” said former LA County District Attorney Steve Cooley, who assisted the recall campaign. “Brooke Jenkins is just what the city and county of San Francisco needs right now. They took an important first step in recalling Boudin. Now, it’s up to her to restore credibility and professionalism to San Francisco’s criminal justice system.”


Boudin issued a statement promising to assist in the transition.

“I am proud of the work we did to serve victims and to bring much-needed reforms and accountability to our justice system. This is work I will continue in the months and years ahead,” he said. “I am proud of the new programs my administration has launched to promote safety and justice in our city despite unprecedented challenges.”

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