

July 13, 2022

The end of Roe v. Wade, while a tremendous constitutional victory, is far from enough to end abortion in America. Many states in the U.S. will see just as many abortions — if not more — as they would have if Roe had never been overturned. What’s more, the (seemingly always) angry left in America seems ever more determined to bring even more sexual deviancy into our culture.

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As the last several decades have taught us, the left doesn’t need an excuse to push the sexual boundaries in America, but losing Roe seems to have pushed many into a deeper darkness when it comes to matters in the sexual realm.

After the Dobbs decision which overturned Roe, Teen Vogue, a magazine for adolescents, published an article entitled “How to Get an Abortion if You’re a Teen After Roe v. Wade Was Overturned.” The article goes to great lengths to undermine parents of pregnant teenagers, declaring, “Having access to abortion should be your right, regardless of your parents’ beliefs.”

The article goes on to say,

If you aren’t comfortable telling a parent about your decision to have an abortion, you can seek what’s called a “judicial bypass” in one of the many states that has this system. Judicial bypass allows you to go directly before a judge and get approval from that judge to have an abortion, rather than having consent from your parents. Yes, it’s paternalistic and unfair that you literally have to get permission from someone else to choose what to do with your body, but it is an option for legal abortion. 

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The piece also included a link to an “interactive map” on abortion access throughout the United States. Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised. As a RedState writer recently noted — recalling the infamous “A Guide to Anal Sex” — Teen Vogue has been “a pioneer” in marketing sex to kids. I suppose if you’re going to sell immoral sex to kids, you may as well promote the immoral “solution” to immoral sex as well.

Along with garbage media like Teen Vogue, the left in America has widely taken to using “Drag Demon Queens” — specifically “Drag Demon Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) — to sell sex to children. In a recent piece at the Huffington Post, one of the “organizers” of DQSH — “Lil Miss Hot Mess” — in an effort to defend DQSH, promoted drag events as a “decidedly queer practice” that help assert “the right to queer.”

RuPaul — the infamous celebrity promoter of all things drag — describes drag as a “very, very political” act because it “challenges the status quo.” He further adds, “Drag says ‘I’m a shapeshifter, I do whatever the hell I want at any given time.’” It seems doing “whatever the hell I want at any given time” now includes promoting a perverse sexual culture to children.

With DQSH now having occurred for years in many U.S. cities, with little real pushback, those devoted to the evil LGBTMYNAMEISLEGION agenda now feel emboldened to have kids attend actual drag shows (and even participate in them!). One promoter of this evil boldly declares, “children belong at drag shows!” (WARNING: previous link is extremely graphic!) These are highly sexual events where partial to near-full nudity is frequent, and the language and actions during the shows are filled with sexual innuendo. (This type of garbage is also often present at most every “Pride” parade.)

And the Democrat Party — at the highest levels — seems all for this evil. Michigan’s attorney general, Dana Nessel — a Democrat — has called for “A drag queen for every school!” Nessel’s full quote:

A drag queen for every school! That is what would be fun for the kids and lift them up when they are having emotional issues. Drag queens — not only are they not hurting our kids — drag queens make everything better! Drag queens are fun.

Since 2018, New York City has paid over $200,000 to Drag Story Hour NYC to read books to K-12 students. New York mayor Eric Adams — a Democrat — defended the practice, stating, “The goal is not only for our children to be academically smart, but also emotionally intelligent. Drag storytellers, and the libraries and schools that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that is core to what our city embraces.”