The game is on, and to the Anti-Defamation League, pushing back against the wacky and woke looks a lot like hatred running wild. But others are wondering about the timing of the ADL’s entry into the cause of video game regulation, coming as it has after about 200,000 gamers who...
The game is on, and to the Anti-Defamation League, pushing back against the wacky and woke looks a lot like hatred running wild. But others are wondering about the timing of the ADL’s entry into the cause of video game regulation, coming as it has after about 200,000 gamers who…
The game is on, and to the Anti-Defamation League, pushing back against the wacky and woke looks a lot like hatred running wild. But others are wondering about the timing of the ADL’s entry into the cause of video game regulation, coming as it has after about 200,000 gamers who…
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