September 24, 2024
The students who participated in the pro-Hamas protests that rocked college campuses all over the nation this month had one thing in common -- a sense of entitlement. On the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles, protesters not only disrupted the educational process for other students but also...

The students who participated in the pro-Hamas protests that rocked college campuses all over the nation this month had one thing in common — a sense of entitlement.

On the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles, protesters not only disrupted the educational process for other students but also wanted to be rewarded for it, making demands including vegan and gluten-free food and skincare products, according to Fox News.

At Columbia University in New York, demonstrators took over the administration building Hamilton Hall and then demanded humanitarian aid, according to The Wrap.

And then there was Eliana Atienza, a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania, who turned her justified suspension from the Ivy League school in Philadelphia into a tragic tale of homelessness and “administrative violence.”


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Atienza said she was a victim of “administrative violence” after being placed on mandatory leave for organizing an illegal pro-Hamas encampment on campus. The international student from the Philippines claimed she was made “houseless” by the disciplinary action, with no family in the United States to turn to.

She shared her tale of woe with The Philadelphia Inquirer.

“I’m the only one made homeless by this,” she said, telling the outlet that she was forced to live in friends’ homes because she had no family to turn to.

“I live on campus. The university has barred me from entering,” Atienza wrote in a social media post, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

“In other words — the university has made me houseless,” she said.

However, the tale turned out much less Cinderella and more Cruella.

Atienza’s father, Kim Atienza, is a Filipino celebrity known as “Kuya Kim” who has hosted the country’s top TV morning and game shows.

Her grandfather is a prominent politician who served as deputy speaker of the Philippines House of Representatives until recently running for vice president, according to the Free Beacon.

Atienza’s mother is a graduate of Penn’s Wharton School and founded an elite private K-12 school in Manila.

In a recent Instagram post, Atienza’s father shared photos from a first-class flight featuring lavish amenities like caviar service and a private onboard shower suite.


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The British society magazine Tatler has highlighted Atienza as one of the Philippines’ “most recognizable television presenters.”

He has even opened the doors of his luxurious home to television audiences, providing guided tours that showcase his valuable collections, which include rare dinosaur egg fossils, mid-century modern furniture designs and vintage BMW motorcycles used during World War II, the Free Beacon reported.

Eliana Atienza was a leader of the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” on campus. After failed negotiations with the university’s interim president to end the illegal encampment, police cleared the demonstrators from campus.

In addition to her anti-Israel activism, Atienza belongs to another student group called, no surprise here, “Fossil Free Penn.”

After the Hamas terror attack on Israel on Oct. 7, that group co-signed a statement blaming Israel’s “settler colonial regime” and expressing “solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.”

In a segment about Atienza last week on his show “Gutfeld,” Fox News host Greg Gutfeld said, “It feels like we’re indulging a certain class of … women into believing that ‘victim’ is a proper identity.

“It’s like we’re creating ‘The Real Housewives of Hamas.’”

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Earlier in the year, Atienza took an expensive trip to Antarctica, photos on her social media revealed.

So, suffice it to say the girl was not without means or the ability to get a hotel room if she was kicked out of the dorms.

Instead of taking advantage of her expensive education in a host country, the poor little rich girl thought she had the right to disrupt the education of students whose parents might have made sacrifices to help them achieve their dreams.

Should anti-Israel protesters be expelled?

Yes: 100% (1 Votes)

No: 0% (0 Votes)

While the world may be a chance for a photo op and a headline for her, average Americans suffered because of her petulant behavior.

If she was not happy with U.S. policies regarding Israel, the solution was simple — go back home.

Her dad certainly could afford the plane ticket.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 

That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal