January 20, 2025

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Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

Gage Skidmore

If you're worried about millions of unvetted, unaccountable foreigners invading the USA, you just might be a...

“They are ‘undocumented immigrants’ seeking asylum desperate to escape tyranny and poverty.  How dare you call these poor human beings ‘aliens’?  Have you no compassion?  You’re just another MAGA-hillbilly xenophobe!  Our friendship is over!”

So went my banishment from the court of a progressive associate.  Never actual friends other than in a Facebook list, my grieving was thankfully brief.  Confrontation with facts proved too much for my fragile “friend,” and hurling slurs while spitting sand from a head deeply buried in the progressive narrative was the only option, apparently.

So, as a “MAGA-hillbilly,” I wondered: what is the definition of “xenophobe,” anyway?  The president himself denigrated our Japanese allies with the term.  A favorite suffix for plastering academic credibility on a slur, -phobic or -phobe indicates “an extreme or irrational fear of something.”  Meanwhile, the prefix xeno- indicates “of relating to a foreigner or foreigners,” or simply “other; different in origin.”  So then xenophobe is an irrational fear of a foreign other from a different place.

Why would a nation screen foreign others and actually limit immigrant access to taxpayer-funded hospitality of housing, health care, food, and funds?  In progressive New Zealand, for instance, Immigration NZ demands criminal background checks and medical certificates before awarding a visa for individuals with skills in demand.  As a New Mexican U.S. citizen working in New Zealand, my fingers are stained from inking for the FBI and my chest irradiated from x-rays for tuberculosis.  I can attest that no crime sprees or infections will afflict New Zealand, at least not from me.

Of the some 16 million illegals flooding the United States under the aegis of Sec. Mayorkas, how many are fingerprinted for criminal backgrounds?  Are they simply released into the U.S. from hostile countries like Venezuela, Uzbekistan, and China?  What certainty can the Biden administration provide that none of the “guests” of American taxpayers are contagious with diseases like polio and leprosy, now appearing on American soil?  Much less, how many of these illegals possess any economically beneficial skills other than organized crime?

Answers for these questions, highlighted by illegal alien crime waves or threats of terrorist attacks exceeding the horror of 9/11, are denied.  Massaging statistics to claim falls in illegals and outright refusals to provide actual data to Congress mask the ongoing disaster.  Apparently, the administration’s objective is something other than protecting America from violence and disease.  Covertly dispersing illegals across the nation and refusing to notify cities and states victimized by the effort suggests that this regime is fully aware of its industrial-scale betrayal of America.

So, if not protecting America as constitutionally mandated, what is the objective?  Consider that Senator Durbin (D-Ill.) recently demanded that Biden issue an executive dictate extending amnesty not just to illegals living and working in the country, but all.  This is not new.  Note also that showering illegals with services like food stamps requires registration to vote, as per the National Voter Registration Act.  A factory of pliant voters for the regime is cranking up, all perversely funded by the American taxpayer.

As a U.S. citizen with all the rights and responsibilities thereof, I dutifully complained about Sen. Durbin’s plan to Sen. Lujan, D-N.M., co-signatory of the demand.  “My” senator from New Mexico provided me a carefully worded and thoughtful response of…nothing.  I was ignored.

With a conveyor belt of millions of compliant voters funded by U.S. taxpayers ensuring that the regime need not heed the bleats of American citizens, why would Sen. Lujan care one whit about a constituent’s concerns?  Observe the scheme: a Potemkin village of a “democracy” where government-subsidized “voters” fix a veneer of credibility over a corrupt regime.  Disenfranchisement of the American electorate unfolds before us, and the keystone of the constitutional republic — accountability to the tax-paying citizenry — is under demolition.

Calls to action by True the Vote and bills such as the SAVE Act countering the illegal voting juggernaut must be heeded.  Engage now, or be forever disengaged.  Cries at the birth of the American experiment haunt the land: No Taxation Without Representation.

Meanwhile, my progressive “friend” retreats into a safe, sanctimonious bubble, cautiously evading any thorny truths typically dismissed as disinformation by so-called fact-checkers.  Steady streams of advocacy “journalism” manufacture bubbles of consent on an industrial scale.  No wonder roughly the same proportion of voters trusting the propaganda embrace the regime.

Unfortunately for the bubble-wrapped believers, it is a world of thorny truths.  As a lifelong independent voter, the pejorative “MAGA-hillbilly” strikes me now as rather a badge of honor for yelling “fire” while the House of America burns.  Banished from the delusional herd?  So be it.  Better to suffer sticks and stones while calling out the Biden administration’s fire department for “protecting” America, with hoses spraying not water, but gasoline.

Dr. Means is a mathematical biologist and Christian apologist with numerous publications in scientific journals, marveling at the wholesale redefinition of “public servant” in America into “unaccountable overlord.”

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Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

” captext=”Gage Skidmore” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/hillbilly-xenophobes-for-trump.jpg”>

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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