September 23, 2024
Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, who served as White House physician under former presidents Barak Obama and Donald Trump, said Sunday that President Joe Biden should take a drug test before Thursday’s debate with Trump. “DRUG TEST BIDEN BEFORE THE DEBATE!” Jackson wrote in a social media post that...

Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, who served as White House physician under former presidents Barak Obama and Donald Trump, said Sunday that President Joe Biden should take a drug test before Thursday’s debate with Trump.

“DRUG TEST BIDEN BEFORE THE DEBATE!” Jackson wrote in a social media post that included video of his appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“Will we see Sleepy Joe, who lives in the White House Basement, or will we see Jacked-Up Joe who made an appearance at the State Of The Union??? The American people deserve to know if their “President” is taking Performance Enhancing Drugs!” he wrote.



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“We have a serious problem here,” Jackson told “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo, noting that he has repeatedly asked that Biden take a cognitive test.

“It’s embarrassing that I have to do this, and it’s really embarrassing as a former White House physician to have to do something like this, but we don’t have any choice based on what’s going on,” Jackson said.

“But I’m gonna be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs,” he said.

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Jackson said Biden’s bellicose performance during his State of the Union address was an aberration compared with the president’s customary conduct during his time in the White House.

“There was a Joe Biden that came out that was not similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last three and a half years,” he said.  (3:35)

“And there’s surely no way to explain that other than he was on something, that they’d given him medication,” he said.

Jackson noted that Biden is spending a full week in the comparative privacy of Camp David.

“I feel like this is probably what’s going on over this week at Camp David,” Jackson said.


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“They have to give him something to help him think straighter. They have to give him something to wake him up to — for his alertness,” Jackson said.

“And then he’s been agitated. We see that all the time. And that’s a common — that’s a common symptom or sign of this cognitive disorder that he seems to be suffering from,” he said.

During a rally Saturday in Philadelphia, Trump said Biden uses drugs to boost his performance, according to Axios.

“So a little before debate time he gets a shot … and that’s — they want to strengthen him up. So he comes out, he’ll come out — OK. I say he’ll come out all jacked up, right?” Trump said, according to NBC.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 

That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal