October 8, 2024

Photo Credit:

Vince Coyner

In ‘The Sixth Sense,' the main character has a moment of clarity when he learns that he'd misunderstood everything. We are having that same realization about Democrats.

One of the most stunning moments I ever had watching a movie was during The Sixth Sense (spoiler alert) in the scene when the ring crashes to the floor and we suddenly realize that Bruce Willis’s character is dead. I was simply dumbfounded. It immediately made sense, but I couldn’t believe that I’d not recognized it the whole time. The movie flashes back over the different scenes from Willis’s newly revealed perspective, and it was as if I’d just watched a different movie than the one I’d actually seen. Seen through Willis’s eyes, everything was clearly there, but I simply hadn’t seen it. The signs were there, but I just didn’t recognize them…

That movie came back to me this week when a piece of news emerged about FEMA that was every bit as crystalizing as that ring crashing to the floor and rolling: The Democrats hate Americans.

As millions of Americans picked themselves up and surveyed the extraordinary damage wrought by Hurricane Helene, they discovered, to their horror, that the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency specifically set up to help American citizens and communities recover from natural disasters exactly like Helene, was almost out of money.

And it wasn’t because the agency wasn’t given any money. No, FEMA didn’t have any money to help Americans who had lost everything, were waiting to be rescued, or were hungry and thirsty because, through fancy bookkeeping, the Biden / Harris administration spent $1 billion in the last two years providing housing and other services to illegal aliens. Literally, a program specifically created to help Americans recover from disasters was drained almost dry, leaving it with few resources to help Americans recover from disasters because it had spent all the taxpayer dollars sent its way on services for people who had come into the country illegally.

Like that bouncing ring in the movie, that ill-spent $1 billion released a cacophony of images of the disdain in which Democrats hold American citizens. The release of at least 425,000 convicted criminal illegal aliens into the heart of America, including 13,000 convicted murderers and 15,000 who were convicted of sexual assault! California literally making it illegal to require proof of citizenship when seeking to vote. Native-born Americans losing 850,000 jobs over the last year, while foreign-born workers added a whopping 1.2 million!

And if there was any suggestion that the disastrous response to Helene was somehow a fluke by an otherwise effective administration, one merely needs to recognize that it comes on the heels of equally disastrous responses to calamities in Maui and East Palestine, OH. This indifference to the plight of distressed Americans stands in stark contrast to the laser focus the Democrats have had when it comes to sending hundreds of billions of dollars to the extraordinarily corrupt government of Ukraine, flying illegals into the American heartland, or using NGOs to hide from the American people the billions spent on illegals.

This American horror story of despair should (but likely won’t) shock Democrat voters into recognizing that the party to which they have given fealty hates America, disregards her Constitution, and sees her citizens—including themselves—as nothing more than cows to milk and then eventually butcher.

How much love for their country can a party have that not only allows but encourages and assists eight million people to invade the country in less than four years, an invasion greater in number than the population 37 out of 50 states?

How much value does a party put on the lives of citizens when it unleashes 13,000 known brutal killers into their midst?

How concerned for the safety and security of women and children can a party be that releases 15,000 rapists to prey upon them?

The answer is simple to all three questions is the same: None.

Eight million illegals in four years. A total of 640,000 criminals, 13,000 murderers and 15,000 rapists! Of course, the Democrat’s propaganda machine immediately jumped in and protected Biden /Harris by claiming that less than 5% of that number was released during their administration.

So we’re supposed to believe that of the “11 million“ illegal aliens released in America before Biden was installed, 420,000 of them, or 3.8%, were convicted criminals, but of the 8 million released by Border Czar Harris, a mere 20,000 were convicted criminals, or a rate of .0025%. So, somehow, of the illegals arriving before the Biden/Harris administration, 1 in 25 was a criminal, but magically, of those arriving during it, only 1 in 4,000 was. Umm…sure.

And none of this is incidental. It’s deliberate. Democrat sanctuary cities and states have been obstructing ICE and federal immigration enforcement for decades. Just days after his instillation, Joe Biden eliminated some of the most powerful border protection programs Donald Trump had put into place.

Later, when Arizona built a wall of shipping containers to try and stem the flow of illegals across its border, Biden and Harris sued to force their removal. Then, when Texas installed floating barriers in an effort to interdict illegal crossings of—and reduce drownings in—the Rio Grande, Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris again sued for their removal.

And for those states like California that leave their border as welcoming as an Amsterdam brothel, the Democrats rewarded them by flying hordes of illegals to other states like Texas, which have been fighting the invasion largely on their own.

All of this should be a red flag to Americans. Democrats clearly value illegal immigrants over American citizens. Even for those Americans animated by abortion rights, poverty programs, or green energy, things that usually align directly with Democrats, the fact that Democrats prioritize illegals over citizens to the point of putting the lives of said citizens at risk should give them pause. The reality is, it’s hard to fight poverty or save the planet if you’re broke, or worse, dead.

Just as that bouncing ring woke Bruce Willis’s character up to the reality that was there in front of him the whole time, Helene showcases the demonstrable truth that Democrats have for decades prioritized illegal aliens above American citizens should wake blue voters up to the notion that the party can and will sacrifice anything for power, including the safety, security and indeed, the lives of Americans.

The Republicans may be a flawed party, but they at least have a clear plan: Close the border and deport illegals. Go to any Trump rally and, if nothing else, you walk away knowing one thing: his objective is to prioritize and protect the lives and prosperity of American citizens. After all, isn’t that basically why governments are constituted in the first place?

<img alt captext="Vince Coyner” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/recent-events-force-us-to-see-the-reality-of-todays-democrats.jpg”>

Image by Vince Coyner

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