Police officers have to be prepared for any scenario, expecting the unexpected, being ready for a variety of responses from the people they interact with — but sometimes they can use a helping hand from the very communities they are out serving.
When Officer Stacee Wright with the Willoughby Police Department performed a routine traffic stop on Sept. 10, she was about to learn how much her community supported her, Fox News reported.
David Koubeck, 64, was driving along Lost Nation Road outside Cleveland, Ohio, when he was pulled over by officer Wright. According to what Wright said in the resulting bodycam video, she clocked him going 57 in a 35.
He was visibly quite unhappy about the entire ordeal, and it quickly became clear that he was not going to cooperate.
Within moments of Wright informing Koubeck of his infraction and asking for his license, he opened the driver’s side door, hopped out and beelined to the back door.
Officer Wright quickly asked what he’s doing and called for backup.
Koubeck said he’s getting his license and appeared to snatch a wallet from the back seat. Wright asked him to get out of the road and sit on the curb, but the situation continued to escalate as Koubeck refused to sit.
“I’m not sitting,” he said, staring down at her through his shades. Then he jabbed his finger in her face and repeated in a much stronger tone, “I’m not sitting!”
The next few tense moments showed the pair squaring off, with Wright attempting to subdue the recalcitrant driver and the driver continuing to oppose her requests. The two eventually threw hands, and Koubeck pinned Wright against his vehicle.
Traffic passing the two quickly stopped as people realized what was happening. A truck pulled over, and a man ran from across the street and tackled Koubeck, throwing him to the grass.
Soon three more good Samaritans (including another woman) arrived, all helping to subdue the uncooperative man.
“You don’t do that to a woman,” one of them said to the outnumbered Koubeck. “Do you understand me?”
Another officer arrived and helped Wright cuff and escort Koubeck to her vehicle.
Now, instead of just getting docked for speeding, Koubeck also faces charges for assault on an officer, resisting arrest and failure to wear a seatbelt, according to Fox News.
The four do-gooders have not all been named, though Stacia Metucci was identified as the woman who helped, Inside Edition reported.
Willoughby Police Chief Jim Schultz publicly recognized the help and commended the actions of all four good Samaritans.
“I would like to personally thank several great Samaritans and our wonderful community for their quick action and support,” he shared on Facebook.
“On Saturday afternoon around 4:25pm, several people assisted our Department during an incident on Lost Nation Road. If you stopped and assisted, please give me a call at 440-953-4229.
“I am so proud of our community and the tremendous support we receive on a day to day basis. Saturday was another awesome example. I greatly appreciate it!! Thank you!”