

October 11, 2022

I don’t know if inflation is transitory or if recession is baked into the cake for 2023. But it doesn’t take too much brainpower to imagine a staggering mess this winter on the energy front. “Inflation” and “recession” are just polite technical words used by regime scientists to elide staggering messes created by the usual Keystone Kops Krew of politicians and activists. And it doesn’t take too much imagination to judge that just about everything that the Biden administration has done since January 20, 2021, from 12 percent increase in M2 in 2021 to trillion-dollar stimulus programs and green energy boondoggles as far as the eye can see amounts to a staggering mess.

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Earth to ruling classes: just about everything that rulers do ends up in a staggering mess. That’s why wise rulers do almost nothing.

If Talleyrand really said of the French Bourbon monarchs after the fall of Napoleon “they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing” what would he say about our Bidenoid friends?

How about “they learn nothing and deny everything.”

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Or “they promise everything and deliver nothing.”

They promised Heaven on Earth and delivered Hell on Wheels.

They insist on teaching us, but deny that they ever made a mistake.

For instance, there’s no doubt that the Republican Herbert Hoover and his banker Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon absolutely whiffed the stock market crash of 1929, as in bank failures: 1929: 659 failures; 1930: 1350 failures; 1931: 2293 failures; 1932: 1453 failures. But then FDR and his New Deal basically kept the economy in the doldrums until rearmament for World War II. How many of our liberal friends are aware of that?

Liberals thought that their Great Society programs were going to transform America. So they did; they Made Things Worse. I blogged about it in 2005, twenty years after Charles Murray published the details in Losing Ground. Ever met a liberal who admitted that government social programs could maybe, possibly, Make Things Worse?

Or the70s, with Richard Nixon (R) and Jimmy Carter (D) presiding over inflation and wage and price controls and soaring gas prices and stagflation. Ever read a liberal analyzing the follies of the 70s? Then Ronald Reagan and Paul Volcker killed inflation dead in the 1980s and liberals to this day talk about nothing but “trickle-down economics.” Please.