A homeowner in New Jersey is making local headlines for teaching an intruder a lesson he won’t soon forget.
According to the local outlet News 12, police in Roseland, New Jersey, say that a homeowner shot at an intruder who was trying to steal his luxury BMW early Monday morning.
Apparently, around 3 a.m., the intruder entered the home through a window and was looking for a key to the car in the laundry room when he was shot at by the homeowner, Dan Piccirillo.
Piccirillo told News 12 that he had recently put a camera in his wife’s BMW after noticing suspicious activity happening throughout the neighborhood.
Police say that the homeowner’s gun is legally owned and he will not be charged with a crime. The intruder, meanwhile, got away.
“Remind everyone, please it is important to lock your car doors. It’s also important to lock your interior garage door into your home. That is just another level of security,” Roseland Mayor James Spanglo said.
While people in the area will no doubt be taking extra precautions to guard their homes and valuables against criminals, at the same time, this experience will be a lesson to the intruder and a warning to other potential criminals.
If you try to break into someone’s home, you better be prepared for the possibility that the homeowners will be armed and will be willing to use their weapons for home defense.
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This intruder clearly did not take that into consideration, and it nearly cost him his life. Needless to say, he will probably think twice before attempting to commit a similar crime in the future.
But this also shows that gun ownership among responsible citizens is a good way to prevent crime. New Jersey is a deep-blue state, and even there, citizens are permitted to own weapons for home defense.
We have seen several examples of how armed homeowners are able to defend themselves and stop crime. One instance occurred in Bosque County, Texas, where a homeowner shot an intruder in the leg and held him up at gunpoint until the police arrived.
In Elderon, Wisconsin, an elderly man shot and killed an alleged intruder in the chest after the attacker stabbed him in the face.
The left tells us that we need more gun control laws to curb the crime wave that is currently sweeping the nation. To that end, several draconian new anti-gun laws were recently passed by leftist state governments.
But there is absolutely no proof that these strict laws do anything to stop crime. In fact, many of the states and cities with the most stringent gun laws also have the worst crime rates.
Banning guns and stripping homeowners of the means to defend themselves will only incentivize criminals to commit more crimes as they feel like they risk nothing and there will be no consequences for their actions.
The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution.
It also serves to help protect American citizens from criminals who seek to harm them.