Joe Biden has gone viral with a bizarre story about how he began to support same-sex marriage, and there is a massive problem with his claim. During a Monday interview for "The Daily Show," Kal Penn, the interviewer, asked, “My question for you, Mr. President, is, you codified support for...
Joe Biden has gone viral with a bizarre story about how he began to support same-sex marriage, and there is a massive problem with his claim. During a Monday interview for “The Daily Show,” Kal Penn, the interviewer, asked, “My question for you, Mr. President, is, you codified support for…
Joe Biden has gone viral with a bizarre story about how he began to support same-sex marriage, and there is a massive problem with his claim. During a Monday interview for “The Daily Show,” Kal Penn, the interviewer, asked, “My question for you, Mr. President, is, you codified support for…
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