An elite K-12 private school in Baltimore, Maryland, has adopted a radical "Day of Dialogue" where teachers will devote part of their class "to share a connection between the LGBTQ community and their particular subject," according to an email sent to parents.
Gilman School, an all-boys private school, is ranked among the top 100 K-12 schools in the US and is recognized as one of the leading schools in Maryland. Parents spend more than $35,000 per year to have their children educated were shocked on Wednesday when Armond T. Lawson, head of the middle school, sent this email about the upcoming "Day of Dialogue":
Dear Gilman Middle School Families,
I am writing to inform you that Friday, April 21, the Middle School will conduct its first Day of Dialogue. Throughout the day, space will be created to learn about LGBTQ connections in our curriculum. Each teacher is prepared to devote 5-10 minutes of class time to share a connection between the LGBTQ community and their particular subject area. Examples include discussions related to the role gender plays in learning a new language, sharing information about the impact of LGBTQ figures in various disciplines, and informing students of some of the societal challenges encountered by LGBTQ people.
Day of Dialogue in the Middle School was inspired by a similar initiative in the Upper School. Week of Dialogue - conceived of in 2018 at Gilman by two students - was created in response to the Day of Silence, which is a nationally honored day where LGBTQ students and allies take a vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ people in schools. Previous presidents of Gilman's Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA), Grey Johnson '18 and Ben Levinson '18 decided that instead of staying silent, Gilman should facilitate an open and educational conversation about LGBTQ topics within our community.
We know this will be an enriching experience for our students and help to promote an increased understanding of and appreciation for all of the people in our school community and the world around us. Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions.
The woke administration and teachers at Gilman seem oblivious to the fact that the parents ultimately fund their salaries. We obtained the email from one parent who requested anonymity and wanted to sound the alarm on the direction of education. A former student told us, "Why can't the school just teach critical subjects instead of all this confusing gender nonsense."
Another elite private school in Baltimore called Oldfields School is shutting its doors after 150 years. Even though the school has had financial issues for more than a decade, the school went super woke.
... and you guessed it. Now broke.
Nationwide, parents are yanking their kids from left-wing public schools at an increasing rate. At elite private schools, it's a very dangerous game for administration and teachers to push unpopular, confusing woke curricula to young children because parents can easily cause a run on the school by withdrawing their kids and sparking a cash crunch.
An elite K-12 private school in Baltimore, Maryland, has adopted a radical “Day of Dialogue” where teachers will devote part of their class “to share a connection between the LGBTQ community and their particular subject,” according to an email sent to parents.
Gilman School, an all-boys private school, is ranked among the top 100 K-12 schools in the US and is recognized as one of the leading schools in Maryland. Parents spend more than $35,000 per year to have their children educated were shocked on Wednesday when Armond T. Lawson, head of the middle school, sent this email about the upcoming “Day of Dialogue”:
Dear Gilman Middle School Families,
I am writing to inform you that Friday, April 21, the Middle School will conduct its first Day of Dialogue. Throughout the day, space will be created to learn about LGBTQ connections in our curriculum. Each teacher is prepared to devote 5-10 minutes of class time to share a connection between the LGBTQ community and their particular subject area. Examples include discussions related to the role gender plays in learning a new language, sharing information about the impact of LGBTQ figures in various disciplines, and informing students of some of the societal challenges encountered by LGBTQ people.
Day of Dialogue in the Middle School was inspired by a similar initiative in the Upper School. Week of Dialogue – conceived of in 2018 at Gilman by two students – was created in response to the Day of Silence, which is a nationally honored day where LGBTQ students and allies take a vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ people in schools. Previous presidents of Gilman’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA), Grey Johnson ’18 and Ben Levinson ’18 decided that instead of staying silent, Gilman should facilitate an open and educational conversation about LGBTQ topics within our community.
We know this will be an enriching experience for our students and help to promote an increased understanding of and appreciation for all of the people in our school community and the world around us. Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions.
The woke administration and teachers at Gilman seem oblivious to the fact that the parents ultimately fund their salaries. We obtained the email from one parent who requested anonymity and wanted to sound the alarm on the direction of education. A former student told us, “Why can’t the school just teach critical subjects instead of all this confusing gender nonsense.”
Another elite private school in Baltimore called Oldfields School is shutting its doors after 150 years. Even though the school has had financial issues for more than a decade, the school went super woke.
… and you guessed it. Now broke.
Nationwide, parents are yanking their kids from left-wing public schools at an increasing rate. At elite private schools, it’s a very dangerous game for administration and teachers to push unpopular, confusing woke curricula to young children because parents can easily cause a run on the school by withdrawing their kids and sparking a cash crunch.