Despite reviving the titular character from the beloved 1980s film franchise, Disney/Lucasfilm's "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" is destined to flop at the box office during its theatrical run as it was rumored the female lead would replace, or at least belittle, the adventurous hero. Over its three-day...
Despite reviving the titular character from the beloved 1980s film franchise, Disney/Lucasfilm’s “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” is destined to flop at the box office during its theatrical run as it was rumored the female lead would replace, or at least belittle, the adventurous hero. Over its three-day…
Despite reviving the titular character from the beloved 1980s film franchise, Disney/Lucasfilm’s “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” is destined to flop at the box office during its theatrical run as it was rumored the female lead would replace, or at least belittle, the adventurous hero. Over its three-day…
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