A new survey may explain why so few people are lining up to get a COVID vaccine this year.
The Rasmussen poll found that 24 percent of respondents said they knew someone who had died from side effects of the shot — and 42 percent expressed an eagerness to join a hypothetical class-action lawsuit against the vaccine makers.
Sixty-nine percent said they “don’t know anyone who died from being vaccinated against the virus,” according to Rasmussen’s Thursday report on the poll.
The survey was conducted among 1,110 American adults between Oct. 26 and 30. It had a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.
“Killer Jab?” Rasmussen asked in the title of its report.
The survey asked three questions:
- “Do you know someone personally who died from the COVID-19 virus?”
- “Do you know someone personally who died from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine?” and
- “If there was a major class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects, how likely would you be to join the lawsuit?”
Forty-seven percent said they knew someone who had died of COVID.
Perhaps adding to the poll’s validity is the fact that it showed almost no difference between Republicans, Democrats and the politically unaffiliated.
“For example, 25% of Republicans say they know someone personally who died from side effects of COVID-19 vaccine, as do 24% of Democrats and those not affiliated with either major party,” Rasmussen reported.
The vaccines were developed by several pharmaceutical companies at the outbreak of the pandemic and were first rolled out in late 2020.
The U.S. government, military and many private companies required employees to get the jab or lose their job.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 81 percent of the population received at least one dose, while 70 percent completed the “primary series” of shots.
However, this year’s numbers have been called “abysmal,” with only 7 percent of adults receiving an updated COVID vaccine, The Associated Press reported last month.
Despite the apparent willingness of many to join a lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies over the vaccines, that’s unlikely to happen, according to LifeSite News.
“Federal law currently immunizes them from liability for their products’ effects,” the outlet reported.