October 27, 2024
It has been 17 months since Joe Biden's dumpster-fire presidency began, and he continues to top himself in making humiliating gaffes and having bizarre reactions that call into question whether...

It has been 17 months since Joe Biden’s dumpster-fire presidency began, and he continues to top himself in making humiliating gaffes and having bizarre reactions that call into question whether he’s mentally fit to lead.

On Wednesday, the 79-year-old career politician appeared to imitate a fish during an encounter after a speech on the economy in Cleveland.

It’s unclear why he was making such an odd facial motion, but numerous Twitter users mocked Biden’s antics.


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Some questioned his mental health.

Others said Biden’s peculiar gesture reminded them of an alarming spasm committed by two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


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In July 2016, Clinton made a jerking movement of her head that appeared to resemble a seizure, generating worldwide headlines and concerns about her health.

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Like the rest of us, Biden makes mistakes. However, the sheer volume of cringeworthy blunders he produces in any given week is truly mind-boggling.

They also add further credence to mounting speculation that he is unfit to remain the leader of the free world. There’s just too much at stake right now.

Fox News host Steve Hilton best summed up this presidency when he tweeted: “Biden truly is an amazing combination: corrupt, senile, incompetent, authoritarian, weak, dishonest, divisive, captured by the far left, controlled by his aides…yet he still stubbornly insists on carrying on despite the glaringly obvious catastrophe of his presidency.”

As Week 76 of Biden’s disastrous tenure unfolds, it’s unclear what the following days and months hold.

However, the one thing you can count on is more epic gaffes and odd moments that undermine the authority and credibility of the United States.