Lara Trump released her first original musical single, “Anything is Possible,” early Friday...
Angel Studios’s newest film, Cabrini, never had a “political drive,” according to producer...
A new documentary is seeking to bring light to several sexual allegations and...
Celebrity fitness guru Richard Simmons shared an ominous message in a social media...
Former Attorney General Eric Holder commented on President Joe Biden's poll numbers by...
Actor Nicolas Cage confirmed there will not be another National Treasure movie. “No,...
With only 19.5 million viewers, Sunday night's Academy Awards bombed with the fourth-lowest...
Academy Awards host Jimmy Kimmel waited to the very end of the Oscars...
Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel during the...
Cabrini, the film based on the true story of Catholic missionary Francesca Cabrini, is...