In a way reminiscent of the famous "tank man" from Tiananmen Square, a...
News from Westernjournal
It's often said that leftists have no humor. It's hard to find humor...
A California fire that destroyed a home in Riverside on Friday masked what...
Illinois is one of the most challenging states for residents to own firearms,...
There is the idea going around that electric vehicles are an efficient and...
The Stanford band staged a cheeky skit during the halftime game against BYU...
Accusers of the late Jeffrey Epstein say there's a not-so-secret network of institutions...
A shocking video from the point of view of a California motorcyclist showed...
These brave police officers may very well have saved this man's life. Shocking...
Trump 2016 Ad Featuring Michael Moore Speech Goes Viral – He Made the Perfect Case for President #45

Trump 2016 Ad Featuring Michael Moore Speech Goes Viral – He Made the Perfect Case for President #45
A nostalgic moment in political advertising reemerged this last week, reminding the American...