The latest installment of the Twitter Files reveals that the censorship-loving leftists running...
Elon Musk's Twitter released another batch of internal discussions on Friday, which revealed...
Elon Musk's Twitter released another batch of internal discussions on Friday night, which...
A new installment of the Twitter Files investigation has revealed that the popular...
Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk called out Democrat-aligned law firm Perkins Coie...
A new Twitter Files investigation has revealed the many tools that company executives...
The National Association of Broadcasters lobbied for the JCPA's inclusion in the NDAA...
Exclusive — Rep. Issa: Big Tech Must Commit to Free Speech, ‘There Is No Way Congress Can Look Away’
Exclusive — Rep. Issa: Big Tech Must Commit to Free Speech, ‘There Is No Way Congress Can Look Away’
Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) is sending an open letter to Big Tech demanding...
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), the driving force behind efforts to secure a handout...
Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) is one of the Senators preventing the Democrats from...