Amazon has blacklisted the Amanda Milius-directed documentary "The Plot Against the President" by...
"Controligarchs" reveals that powerful global elites and their preferred politicians are actively working...
"Controligarchs" reveals that multinational tech companies are weaponizing artificial intelligence (AI) in a...
Elon Musk's X has announced plans to sue leftist nonprofit Media Matters, and...
Hollywood is joining the growing advertiser boycott of X, formerly known as Twitter...
A new report in CNBC confirms what many observers, including the House Judiciary...
The office at the Pentagon tasked with overseeing its artificial intelligence strategy is...
Young Americans have been going viral on the Chinese app TikTok sympathizing with...
Tesla CEO and X/Twitter owner Elon Musk is under fire for calling an antisemitic...
Billionaire Bill Gates is buying up farmland and investing in meat alternatives to...