March 5, 2025
Seven times before law enforcement found cocaine smuggled into the White House, President Joe Biden promised to restore "integrity" and "decency" to the presidency.

Seven times before law enforcement found cocaine smuggled into the White House, President Joe Biden promised to restore “integrity” and “decency” to the presidency.

Over the July 4th weekend, officials discovered cocaine stashed in the White House. The Secret Service has yet to reveal its findings of who smuggled the white powdery drug into one of the most secure buildings in the world. And the White House refuses to provide much insight into the growing scandal.

RELATED VIDEO — KJP Refuses to Answer If White House Cocaine Belongs to Bidens, Scolds Reporter:


The White House press team refuses to say whether or not the cocaine belonged to Joe or Hunter Biden, citing campaign law. They refuse to say if the White House will provide transparency on who the Secret Service potentially finds responsible for the drug. They also would not say if the White House supports prosecuting the unknown cocaine White House smuggler.

But before the cocaine scandal arose, Joe Biden and his campaign promised seven times to “restore” “integrity” and “decency” back to the White House. Over and over again, Biden promised to restore the “soul of the nation,” while claiming former President Donald Trump was the antithesis of integrity, decency, and transparency:

1)  “It’s time we bring integrity back to the White House,” Biden announced on his Twitter page on August 20, 2020. He then went on to call out former President Trump’s “lack of integrity,” explaining that:

I will put the INTEGRITY of my whole CAREER IN PUBLIC SERVICE to this nation up against Trump’s LACK OF INTEGRITY any day of the week.

2) In October 2020, Biden teamed up with Vice President Kamala Harris in Phoenix to kick off their campaign bus tour, and, as she posted on her Twitter page, “to fight for our democracy and bring integrity back to the White House”:

3) In January 2020, Biden posted a video of an exchange between supporter “Vicky” and himself at a campaign event, along with the quote, “Like Vicky said, we need a president who will restore integrity to the White House.”

4) ABC News proudly posted a picture of Biden on their December 19, 2019, Twitter post along with a quote from Biden prefaced with the statement, “Joe Biden says [Trump’s] impeachment was a ‘constitutional necessity.’” The quote from Biden read:

“We need to restore the integrity of the presidency, of the office of the presidency … my job is to just go out and make the case why [Trump] doesn’t deserve to be president.”

5) In October 2019, Biden stated that, “President Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in modern American history,” and continued, saying:

It’s got to end.

We must restore integrity to our government and ensure our elected officials work for all Americans — not just the powerful.

6) “We need to restore honor and decency to the White House,” Biden said on September 6, 2020:

7) In October 2021, Biden explained:

I ran for president for three reasons: To restore the soul and decency of our country. To rebuild our economy from the bottom up and the middle out. And to help unite our country.

We’re on the right track — but there’s still work to be done.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.