Angel Moms, the mothers of American citizens killed by illegal aliens, are slamming Sen. John Cornyn’s (R-TX) suggestion that Republicans are working on an amnesty deal with Senate Democrats.
This week, Cornyn suggested that he and Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA) were working on a legislative plan that would provide amnesty to potentially millions of illegal aliens.
Cornyn later told Breitbart News in a statement that the remark was “a joke.”
Angel Moms who spoke exclusively with Breitbart News said the slightest hints of amnesty for illegal aliens out of Washington, D.C., are not a joking matter to them.
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza, whose 32-year-old son Brandon Mendoza was killed by an illegal alien in May 2014 in Arizona, told Breitbart News that “there is no excuse for joking about working on an amnesty bill” when “the border is in complete chaos and an orchestrated invasion is taking place there.”
“American citizens don’t deserve to be second best to illegal aliens in our country … this is not a joking matter to Angel Families,” Mendoza said. “We have fought long and hard for our innocent loved ones killed by illegal criminals who weren’t vetted and who were repeatedly shown leniency in our courts.”
Angel Mom Sabine Durden Coulter noted that talks of amnesty in Washington, D.C., are often followed by massive waves of illegal immigration as the Mexican drug cartels use the news to entice foreign nationals to take the deadly journey to the United States-Mexico border.
“Any talk, mention, or whisper of amnesty creates a ripple effect to signal to illegal aliens inside and outside of our country, that there might be a deal,” Angel Mom Sabine Durden Coulter told Breitbart News. “That draws more to come.”
Durden Coulter’s son Dominic Durden was murdered by an illegal alien in July 2012 in the sanctuary state of California.

Dominic Durden, who killed by an illegal alien in 2012, and his mother Sabine Durden Coulter. (Photo courtesy Sabine Durden Coulter)
“Next month will mark 10 years since my only child, my son Dominic was killed by an illegal alien who didn’t suffer any consequences for being here illegally for years while committing crimes … why are American citizens last on the list of these politicians? What’s the payoff for them? Does the oath they swore mean nothing?” Durden Coulter said.
Angel Mom Kiyan Michael, whose 21-year-old son Brandon Randolph Michael was killed in 2007 by a twice-deported illegal alien, told Breitbart News that she “would recommend to Senator Cornyn that amnesty should always be off the table.”
“Any type of immigration reform should start with closing the border and vetting those who are coming into this country,” Michael said.
Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney, whose 29-year-old son Ronald Da Silva was killed by an illegal alien in 2002, told Breitbart News that amnesty for illegal aliens previously failed to stop future waves of illegal immigration under former President Ronald Reagan in the late 1980s.
“We have done this, under President Reagan, and it proved to be a complete failure,” Gibboney said of amnesty. “The flow of illegal aliens has never stopped … those in charge are not respecting the wishes of their constituents.”
“We need to make our voices heard,” she continued. “We cannot be silenced, as our loved ones were by open border policies.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) immediately rebuked Cornyn’s suggestion of amnesty, writing in a statement that such a deal is “a nonstarter” with a future House GOP majority.
Likewise, Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN) wrote that House Republicans “are united and so are our voters” against amnesty for illegal aliens.
Today, there are anywhere from 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S., costing American taxpayers more than $143 billion every year. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) has long estimated that potentially 2,000 Americans are killed every year by illegal aliens.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter here.