He reflected, “I recently spoke at a Latin American conference in Miami to leaders from multiple [Latin American] countries. What I heard from them was such a revulsion of these ideas and these policies that says that you’re supposed to believe the left, you’re supposed to be the socialists that somebody’s going to govern your life.”
He continued, “That’s an opportunity for Republicans. … Just like the black community’s not monolithic … neither is the Hispanic community. … Voters’ demands have changed.”
The Pew Research Center examined Hispanic Americans’ use of the term “LatinX,” declaring last year, “About one-in-four U.S. Hispanics have heard of Latinx, but just 3% use it.”
Webb also called for the Republican Party to change its methods for committee assignment selection. He said committee assignments should not be awarded based on fundraising volumes, but on political merit germane to the specific committee’s needs.
In other words: stop trying to make “Latinx” happen. https://t.co/Mqdaf7gaCf
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) December 18, 2021
“Republicans have to do one other thing when they get there, and this has been a challenge since the Paul Ryan days in this modern form,” he remarked. “Change the rules to how the party works when it comes to Congress.”
He urged, “This idea that raising money gets you a committee assignment doesn’t mean you’re the right person to be on [a committee]. The Republicans have to become the party of meritocracy. Put in the right people.”
“Find the right people and put them in the positions where you have the right experience, and then staff properly,” he concluded. “Again, governing is what matters. Governance will get you results, which will then deliver if you deliver some successes.”
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