President Joe Biden delivered a sharp political speech from the White House on Wednesday warning of the “extreme” agenda from “MAGA” Republicans.
“This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that has existed in American history,” Biden said, referring to the Make America Great Again movement sparked by former President Donald Trump.
The president then clarified that he meant the most extreme political group in “recent” American history.
Biden repeatedly mispronounced “MAGA” as “mega” but corrected himself.
“The mega Republicans, the MAGA Republicans, excuse me, I don’t want to mispronounce it, the MAGA Republicans,” he said.
Biden answered a question from reporters about the possibility of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.
“This is about a lot more than abortion,” he said.
The president warned that Republicans might pass a law preventing “LGTBQ children” from attending public school with other children.
“Let me tell you about this ultra-MAGA agenda, it’s extreme,” Biden said.
He also suggested that the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade could mean that government could regulate couples from using birth control.
Biden spoke about Republicans during a speech in the White House trumpeting his attempt to reduce the deficit, despite spending more than $3 trillion in his first year as president.
The president repeatedly referred to former President Donald Trump without using his name, choosing instead to focus on “MAGA Republicans.”