The pro-Kamala Harris gerbils at the far-left Axios are spreading the absurd lie Vice President CacklyMcNeverBorderCzar is now in favor of completing former President Trump’s southern border wall.
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The pro-Kamala Harris gerbils at the far-left Axios are spreading the absurd lie Vice President CacklyMcNeverBorderCzar is now in favor of completing former President Trump’s southern border wall.
I’m told that when you enter the Axios offices, everyone has their own locker where they check in their self-respect.
“Harris flip-flops on building the border wall,” reads the lying headline (in an effort to protect democracy, I do not link disinformation).
“If she’s elected president,” the gerbils tell us, “Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called “un-American” during the Trump administration.”
Lies. Lies. Lies. All lies.
In fact, as you will see later, Axios accidentally admits its own headline is a lie.
But this is what happens when you are a gerbil eager to play the part of Kamala’s stenographer…
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Randy Clark / Breitbart
This entire lie has been constructed to make Comrade Kamala sound reasonable. This same piece also spreads the lie that Cackly has flip-flopped on her fracking ban and eliminating everyone’s private insurance with “Medicare for All.”
Kamala has personally said nothing about reversing those positions.
Late-night statements from her campaign do not count.
And let’s not forget that not even her campaign has said she’s reversed her support for mass amnesty for what could be up to 30 million illegal Democrats, decriminalizing illegal immigration, and offering free health care to illegals while Americans are raped by their insanely expensive Obamacare premiums.
Vice President Kamala Harris has gone 85 days without visiting the southern border crisis since President Joe Biden tasked her with managing the border crisis. https://t.co/FDawXj6zzH
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) June 17, 2021
Anyway, the sheep’s clothing for the bald-faced lie that Kamala is suddenly in favor of completing Trump’s border wall is what’s officially called the “Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act.” I prefer Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz’s more accurate description of the bill as a “steaming pile of crap.”
This Orwellian-named bill crafted but not passed earlier this year in the U.S. Senate, would allow up to 35,000 illegal aliens to enter the country every week before triggering additional border controls. That is 1.8 million illegals per year.
Nothing in the bill would reverse catch (an illegal) and release (that illegal into America).
Now we get to the fun part…
Trump’s border wall is just a stupid use of money. I will block any funding for it.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) April 21, 2017
RELATED: Texas Deploys Multi-Layer Border Barriers to Deter, Turn Back Migrants at Border
Texas Department of Public Safety
Although the gerbils at Axios claim Harris is suddenly pro-border wall, their own dumb story proves their own headline a lie…
Naturally, it’s only after 11 paragraphs of pro-Harris propaganda that Axios admits she will not build the wall…
“Harris advisers note that the bipartisan border proposal didn’t include any new money to continue building the wall,” the gerbils admit. The bill only “extended the timeline to spend funds that had been appropriated during Trump’s last year as president, they say[.]”
In other words, Harris will not build the wall, but Axios is still blaring out that she will because the wall is popular.
Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance summed this entire charade perfectly. “Kamala Harris is a fake,” he tweeted. “If she wants to build the border wall, she could start right now!”
Kamala Harris is a fake.
If she wants to build the border wall, she could start right now! https://t.co/EXyBzk1DpR
— JD Vance (@JDVance) August 27, 2024
Democrats sure got it good.
John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook.