Gallup shows former President Donald Trump with an 18-point net favorable rating advantage over His Fraudulency Joe Biden.
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Gallup shows former President Donald Trump with an 18-point net favorable rating advantage over His Fraudulency Joe Biden.
The last 24 hours have been deliciously and gloriously brutal for Biden supporters, especially those in the corporate media. Two left-wing pollsters show Trump pulling away nationally. Then Nate Silver comes along with a forecast of doom for Hunter’s Dad. Then another left-wing pollster shows Americans believe Trump will do more to defend democracy than President Sundowning.
As far as favorability, talk about a failed Establishment Hate Campaign…
“Both Biden and Trump are viewed unfavorably by majorities of Americans, but Trump’s favorability shows improvement, while Biden’s has worsened,” reports Gallup. “Trump’s favorable rating (46%) has increased by four percentage points since the prior reading in December and is the highest for him since April 2020.”
“At the same time, Biden’s favorable rating has dipped by the same four-point margin to 37%, his lowest since 2007, when he was unknown to many Americans.”
So Trump enjoys an eight-point advantage on the question of favorability. But it’s the net numbers that are even more striking.
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Ron Pragides via Storyful, @GDawg8 via Storyful
Because his unfavorable rating is 52 percent, compared to 46 percent favorable, Trump’s net favorable rating is -6 points.
Because Biden has an unfavorable rating of 61 percent, compared to 37 percent favorable, Biden’s net favorable rating is -24 points.
That gives Trump a net 18 point favorability advantage over Biden.
When you look at everything that’s been done to destroy Trump over the last nine years, to turn him into evil personified—a racist, a felon, a rapist, and a slimy con man… When you compare that to everything that’s been over the last 17 years to turn Biden into “Lunchbucket Joe,” “Scranton Joe,” “Corvette Joe, “ Loving Dad Joe…”
What you have here is one of the biggest establishment failures of all time.
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Literally, and I literally mean literally, hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate media propaganda, coupled with Deep State sabotage and the total corruption of the Justice System, have been aimed at annihilating and demonizing Trump through a coordinated Hate Campaign, and here he is —lol—doing 18 points better than the guy that same coordinated campaign has sought to protect and prop up.
Let’s recap the last 24 hours, shall we:
- Far-left Washington Post: “Which candidate do you think would do a better job handling each of the following? Threats to democracy in the U.S?” Trump: 44 percent, Biden 33 percent.
- Far-left Quinnipiac national poll: Trump: 49 percent, Biden 45 percent.
- Far-left New York Times national poll: Trump 48 percent, Biden 44 percent.
- Nate Silver: Trump has 66 percent chance of winning in November.
- Gallup: Trump’s favorability rating is a net 18 points higher than Biden’s.
Trump is going into tonight’s debate brimming with the knowledge he has the wind of the people at his back.
Biden is going into tonight’s debate with a lot of hot air.
John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook.