March 9, 2025
The overwhelming majority of American voters want employers in the United States to be prosecuted for hiring illegal aliens, a Fox News poll reveals.

The overwhelming majority of American voters want employers in the United States to be prosecuted for hiring illegal aliens, a Fox News poll revealed.

The poll, which surveyed more than 1,000 registered voters and was conducted from December 10 through December 13, found that 64 percent of Americans want the federal government to penalize and fine employers that hire illegal aliens for U.S. jobs — akin to enacting mandatory E-Verify nationwide.

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Randy Clark / Breitbart Texas

Only 32 percent oppose such a policy while four percent of voters said they were unsure.

Importantly for 2024 presidential and congressional candidates, 61 percent of swing voters said they support nationwide mandatory E-Verify as well as 64 percent of self-described moderates.

Likewise, prosecuting employers for hiring illegal aliens is even popular with Democrats — 53 percent of whom said they back such a policy. Meanwhile, almost 8-in-10 Republicans said they want to see mandatory E-Verify enacted nationwide.

As federal data has shown, few employers today are prosecuted for hiring illegal aliens.

The poll falls in line with other surveys that have shown, for years now, that mandatory E-Verify remains one of the most popular policy solutions to illegal immigration in the U.S.

A poll from Rasmussen Reports conducted in November showed that almost 70 percent of likely U.S. voters back nationwide mandatory E-Verify, including 68 percent of working and lower-middle class Americans who are the most likely to compete with illegal aliens for jobs.

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Randy Clark / Breitbart Texas

In September, Sens. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) released legislation that would impose mandatory E-Verify nationwide while gradually raising the federal minimum wage to $11 an hour by 2028.

“American workers today compete against millions of illegal immigrants for too few jobs with wages that are too low — that’s unfair,” Cotton said. “Ending the black market for illegal labor will open up jobs for Americans. Raising the minimum wage will allow Americans filling those jobs to better support their families. Our bill does both.”

This year, the New York Times admitted that Florida’s recent mandatory E-Verify law has helped raise wages in low-wage industries in the sunshine state.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter here.