September 23, 2024
The controversial Venezuelan election has become an international spectacle as both political players in the recent presidential election declared victory. World leaders have called into question the authenticity of the election results after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his country’s National Electoral Council said he won 51% of voters, despite exit polls telling a different story. […]
The controversial Venezuelan election has become an international spectacle as both political players in the recent presidential election declared victory. World leaders have called into question the authenticity of the election results after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his country’s National Electoral Council said he won 51% of voters, despite exit polls telling a different story. […]

The controversial Venezuelan election has become an international spectacle as both political players in the recent presidential election declared victory.

World leaders have called into question the authenticity of the election results after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his country’s National Electoral Council said he won 51% of voters, despite exit polls telling a different story.

“We’ve seen the announcement just a short while ago by the Venezuelan electoral commission. We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement. 

The Biden administration has warned Venezuela to hold fair and free elections or risk having oil sanctions imposed on them.

The United States lifted sanctions on Venezuela’s state-controlled oil, gas, and mining industries following an agreement by Maduro’s government to collaborate with opposition leaders on organizing a fair presidential election this year in October. However, if Venezuela refuses to comply, the sanctions will return. 

Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, right, and presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez hold a press conference after electoral authorities declared President Nicolas Maduro the winner of the presidential election in Caracas, Venezuela, Monday, July 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix)

According to recent polls, the Venezuelan population is overwhelmingly against the results of the election that claim Maduro as the winner.

Under Maduro, more than 7.8 million people have fled Venezuela in the last 10 years. Polls suggest that Venezuela will experience a major uptick in emigration

The election’s consequences will reach far beyond the Venezuelan borders. Refugees are pouring across the border from a country already suffering from a declining population due to its violence and lack of essential resources such as food and medicine. 

Venezuela has already allied itself with Russia as it hosts international support for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian security advisers. Putin quickly congratulated Maduro for his victory. 

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“Russian-Venezuelan relations have the character of a strategic partnership. I am confident that your activities at the head of state will continue to contribute to their progressive development in all directions. I would like to confirm our readiness to continue our constructive joint work on topical issues on the bilateral and international agenda,” Putin said.


“Remember, you are always a welcome guest on Russian soil,” Putin said. 

The opposition had mobilized thousands of observers at polling stations nationwide to tally votes independently. However, a spokesperson for Gonzalez’s coalition reported that their witnesses were expelled from numerous polling locations.

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