Former CIA officer and station chief Scott Uehlinger said on Thursday that intelligence agencies cannot be cleansed of political and partisan corruption unless the president has the unitary power over the federal government’s personnel decisions.
Uehlinger discussed left-wing and partisan politicization of federal intelligence agencies on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with special guest host and retired Navy SEAL and FBI agent Jonathan Gilliam.
“It’s a real cause of concern, not just among regular folks, but [among] people who served in these agencies,” he stated. He emphasized the ubiquity of such political orientations among intelligence agency employees.
He remarked, “The infection in these organizations is not just the political appointees. It’s basically everyone from mid-grade-level and up, if not lower because they’re all the recipients of a super-liberal education.”
“They just graduate from college with this really bizarre worldview, for the most part,” he added. “Unfortunately, I kind of agree with the idea of breaking them up because I don’t really see how they can be reformed in any kind of a meaningful way unless the president has the power to basically fire every federal employee at will.”
Gilliam called for conservatives to enter institutions dominated by left-wing politics while accepting a long time horizon for reform.
“I think conservatives should flood all the agencies,” Gilliam said, “and I think that they should do the same thing with politics. I don’t care if they run as a Democrat or a Republican. We should be getting conservatives in everywhere, as much as possible”
He concluded, “Republicans never played the long game. In ten years, those people will start to make rank, and in 15 years, they’ll be at the top, and then they can change the recruit divisions. … It’s not a short game. We’re never going get somebody that’s a president that’s gonna depoliticize the FBI or the CIA.”
Story cited here.
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