Kari Lake has spoken out against the rigged and conflict-ridden Arizona Midterm Elections, which were certified by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and several other counties today.
The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that the corrupt Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to certify the rigged election that was overseen by MAGA-hating RINOs, a Katie Hobbs surrogate, and radical leftist gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs.
Today, Maricopa County certified its rotten election, despite hours of witness testimony of wrongdoing and an extremely flawed election in the public comment portion of their meeting.
Many in the audience pointed out the clear conflicts of interest in this election as well.
Conflict #1: Katie Hobbs refused to recuse herself from election oversight as Secretary of State in her own election for Governor.
Conflict #2: Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Gallardo served as the co-chair of the Latinos for Katie Hobbs coalition, and he is now a member of Hobbs’ transition team.
Honored to be part of Governor-Elect Hobbs transition team. I look forward to working with such a diverse group of Arizona leaders. #MovingArizonaForward https://t.co/r5xG0W6g9F
— Supervisor Steve Gallardo (@Steve_Gallardo) November 23, 2022
Conflict #3: Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who oversaw early voting, founded and operated the Pro-Democracy Republicans PAC, a dark money PAC aimed at eliminating candidates with a MAGA agenda.
Conflict #4: Maricopa County Chairman Bill Gates, who oversaw the election on Election Day, openly rooted against Trump-Endorsed candidates, calling their win in the primaries a “catastrophe” and saying, “I think they are electable, which is frightening.”
Conflict #5: Katie Hobbs threatened to sue any county that did not certify this election and hand her the Governorship. She is moving forward with a lawsuit against Cochise County for delaying certification.
Bill Gates and Stephen Richer also starred in an ad by Never-Trump groups to discredit auditors of Maricopa County’s 2020 election and attack supporters of the audit like Trump-Endorsed Republican candidates.
These are the same people who oversaw the uncertifiable disaster that occurred on election day, where voting machines and printers suddenly stopped working the moment polls opened on election day. Republican voters were forced to wait in extremely long lines, turned away from the polls, or told to deposit their ballots in the questionable “box 3” for misread ballots.
The Gateway Pundit reported on the election day anomalies where Democrats had only 17% of the turnout.
The Arizona Attorney General’s office even outlined potential law violations and wrongdoing in a recent letter to Maricopa County. Maricopa County deflected the blame and told the Attorney General to pound sand in their response.
These people are criminals!
As The Gateway Pundit reported last week, Kari Lake dropped her first lawsuit against corrupt elections officials and indicated that more lawsuits were coming. According to the statute, certification must happen before these new lawsuits can move forward.
Kari Lake tweeted the following update on the fight to save Arizona.
Watch below:
Lake: Arizona, it’s Kari Lake, and I wanted to update you on what’s happening in our fight against Arizona’s sham elections and those who run them. For starters, I want you to know that I am firmly in this fight with you. Maricopa County just couldn’t wait to certify their botched election, the botched election where half of Election Day voting centers were inoperable, the botched election where Election Day printers caused mayhem across the county, the botched election where Arizonans were expected to wait in line two, three, four, even five hours simply to exercise their sacred right to vote. Arizonans were told to throw their vote into a drawer, where it might ultimately end up in a plastic bin or a trash bag. Maricopa County, where it took two weeks to count, is the poster child for broken, botched elections. But, if you bring up any of these issues, you are labeled an election denier or a conspiracy theorist.
They don’t want us talking about our shoddy elections under any circumstances. They shut us down and made us fear exercising our freedom of speech, and they canceled anyone who questioned past elections. Because of that, many Americans did not speak out, and nothing was done to shore up elections. And now, we are paying the price again. Arizona, America, if we do not stand up and speak up right now about the most dishonest elections in the history of Arizona, I truly fear for our future. Our sacred vote is supposed to be the great equalizer of the people. And right now, our vote has been trampled upon. We must work hard right now to save it. This is our last chance. Those of you who are speaking out about what happened on November 8, those who testified before the corrupt Board of Supervisors, thank you, and God bless each of you. I am with you.
Here’s what I’m busy working on. I’m working with a team of patriotic, talented lawyers on a legal case to challenge the botched elections. My team and I realize how important this case is and what is at stake. We will file this case in accordance with Arizona state law. And you will want to stay tuned for this one. Trust me.
So many have expressed concern about Maricopa County’s certification. I agree. This botched election should not be certified, especially in Maricopa County, where the board of supervisors are well aware of the catastrophic issues caused by maladministration of Supervisor Bill Gates and County Recorder Stephen Richer, who started a dark money PAC with the sole purpose of going after me, my campaign, and our movement, while they supervised the election.
Let me repeat that. They ran an election with my name on the ballot, and their number one political goal was to see to it that I was not elected. Can you say conflict of interest? Another member of the Board of Supervisors charged with certifying this botched election has been chosen to be on Katie Hobbs’ transition team. Another conflict of interest. And perhaps the greatest conflict of interest of all: Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the woman in charge of running her own election, who did almost zero campaigning, oversaw the botched election, is now threatening counties with legal action if they do not crown her Governor by certifying the election that she botched.
You simply can’t make this stuff up. Add to this the Attorney General’s letter implying wrongdoing in this election. It would give any honest person, any ethical person, pause to investigate and correct any issues, even after certification. The multiple conflicts of interest, the incompetence, the maladministration, the ignorance, and the disrespect of voters is off the charts with those managing and operating our elections. We the people will not forget, God will not forget, and I will not quit.
I want to ease your mind a bit. My case, our case moves forward with these sham certifications. In fact, state statute requires certification before our case can move forward. You know how hard I worked on the campaign trail leading our movement to bring common sense solutions to our problems. I am taking that same work ethic and using it behind the scenes right now, building a strong legal case. While we come together on this unifying issue of restoring honesty to our elections, rest assured, Arizona, nothing will stop me from putting everything I have into reforming elections here in Arizona and in America.
An update on our Fight, Arizona: pic.twitter.com/tXrjrTFDc8
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 29, 2022
Story cited here.
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