March 17, 2025
It turns out that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been colluding with Maricopa County officials to censor information they disagree with surrounding elections in Maricopa County. Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer actually met with the CISA Cybersecurity Advisory Committee to get their help on fighting information that was coming out about the […]

It turns out that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been colluding with Maricopa County officials to censor information they disagree with surrounding elections in Maricopa County.

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer actually met with the CISA Cybersecurity Advisory Committee to get their help on fighting information that was coming out about the 2020 election in Maricopa County. Richer even suggested that the government agency should collude with media outlets like FOX and CNN with “bootcamps.”

Previously, Stephen Richer tweeted that electronic tabulation and voter registration information played a role in the biggest cybersecurity threat to our elections. In the 2022 elections, voting machine failures at over 3o% of polling locations in Maricopa County left voters disenfranchised and unable to vote.

According to the report, “Mr. Richer suggested that CISA hold bootcamps for media representatives such as FOX News or CNN to enhance media’s understanding of how elections are administered, as well as work with members of Congress to
reach the information leaders.”

This may explain why Maricopa County refused to allow The Gateway Pundit to attend 2022 election press conferences and report on election information. We were not invited to a narrative bootcamp.

However, The Gateway Pundit recently reported that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals granted an Emergency Injunction and ordered Maricopa County, Arizona, to issue a press pass to TGP’s Arizona Correspondent, Jordan Conradson.

This was a huge win for our First Amendment.

The Gateway Pundit also reported that Katie Hobbs asked Twitter to silence her critics on top of running her own election and threatening to jail County Supervisors if they did not certify her corrupt election win.

Kari Lake’s Twitter page is still being censored, likely to prevent lawsuits and information about the rigged 2022 election from being shared.

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Can Arizona’s elections get any more corrupt?

Trump attorney and RSBN reporter Christina Bobb shared a thread revealing this new bombshell information about Maricopa County’s attempts to control the narrative.

Well look at what we found!! Turns out @CISAgov has been collaborating with Maricopa County @stephen_richer to censor election information and keeping it from the public. Notice it’s marked FOUO. Richer also started a Super PAC to take down “election deniers”…….

We know @CISAgov worked with Big Tech to alter the narrative around elections. This proves they were doing it with the intent to keep their activities hidden from the public. @stephen_richer cooperated with a federal agency cooperating with Big Tech to manipulate elections…

Maricopa county’s election is already highly suspect. Now, we have documented proof that the man partially responsible for the records was actively working with a federal agency @CISAgov, part of @DHSgov, to manipulate the outcome of the election he ran…without disclosing it.

Kari Lake War Room called for a revote in Arizona, tweeting,

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Every aspect of this election was subverted and manipulated to destroy Arizona First.

If the process was illegitimate, then so are the results.

Stephen Richer even mentioned The Gateway Pundit by name in his meeting with CISA.

From the CSAC report:

Purpose of Meeting
The purpose of the CISA Cybersecurity Advisory Committee (CSAC) Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Misinformation & Disinformation (MDM) Subcommittee meeting was to hear a brief from Mr. Stephen Richer, County Recorder in Maricopa, AZ, on current election processes and needs among elections officials and to discuss CISA’s role in the MDM space. Subcommittee members also heard a brief from Ms. Kim Wyman, Senior Election Security Lead, CISA, on CISA’s current election-specific actions to combat MDM.

Ms. Megan Tsuyi, Designated Federal Officer (DFO) for the SAC and the MDM Subcommittee brought the meeting to order and turned the meeting over to the Chair, Dr. Kate Starbird and Ms. Kim Wyman.

Dr. Kate Starbird, Associate Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington, MDM Subcommittee Chair and Ms. Kim Wyman, Senior Election Security Lead, CISA, introduced Mr. Stephen Richer, County Recorder in Maricopa, AZ.

Mr. Richer thanked the subcommittee for their partnership to ensure safe, secure, and reliable elections across the country by fighting current and emerging misinformation and disinformation threats, and provided an overview of his background. Mr. Richer was elected in November 2020 and is responsible for the recording of election documents, a voter registration database of 2.6 million registered voters-the second largest county voter database in the nation-, and the administration of elections. He identified a shift in public interest in how elections are administered in 2016 and outlined how his office has refined their messaging to stay on pace with the public’s increased interest. One way his office has met the demand of increased public interest is through media engagement. He stated that the 2020 elections provided media the opportunity to learn about elections and the mechanics behind administering elections. He discussed new and difficult challenges with how the nature of the media landscape has changed considerably. Such changes include that all outlets are not held to the same journalistic standards, many are not open to government feedback, and they are not concerned with releasing correct information.

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Mr. Richer walked the subcommittee through three examples to illustrate situations his office is currently facing to include:

Misinformation: A news release by Gateway Pundit provided factually inaccurate reporting announcing that Maricopa County elections officials held an unannounced meeting at the election and tabulation center. This meeting was, in fact, a publicly announced tour with members of the public and legislators from both parties.

Disinformation: A doctored image tweet of an election management server room depicted to suggest the server was connected to the internet to manipulate the election results. The server was, in fact, air gapped, only accessible to three people, and hard wired without internet connection. The image was doctored from a photo taken from the live streaming cameras and was easily disproved.

It is now confirmed that Maricopa County colluded with federal agencies to suppress the truth about Arizona’s elections.

Story cited here.

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