March 28, 2025
In a sign of growing discontent with the Biden Administration’s approach toward the Russian-Ukrainian war, 57 House Republicans voted late Tuesday against HR 7691, the Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022. The bill passed 368-57. The bill provides an additional $40 billion In Ukrainian aid, $7 billion more than the Biden Administration had requested. An overall […]

In a sign of growing discontent with the Biden Administration’s approach toward the Russian-Ukrainian war, 57 House Republicans voted late Tuesday against HR 7691, the Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022. The bill passed 368-57.

The bill provides an additional $40 billion In Ukrainian aid, $7 billion more than the Biden Administration had requested. An overall view of provided aid comes from AP.

The new legislation would bring American support for the effort to nearly $54 billion, including the $13.6 billion in support Congress enacted in March. That’s about $6 billion more than the U.S. spent on all its foreign and military aid in 2019, according to a January report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, which studies issues for lawmakers. It’s also around 1% of the entire federal budget.

Despite the 57 votes against, the general Republican sentiment toward the bill was voiced by Rep. Kay Granger (TX), who said in favor of the bill:

Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 7691, a bill that would provide additional assistance to Ukraine and other partners in the region.

Ten weeks ago, we witnessed Russia begin its attack on the sovereign nation of Ukraine.

To support Ukraine and our allies during this unprovoked, illegal, and appalling attack, Congress provided nearly 14 billion dollars in emergency funding through the fiscal year 2022 appropriations bills.

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That funding has been crucial in Ukraine’s efforts to fight back against Putin’s evil invasion.

The bill before us today would provide roughly $40 billion in assistance to address the ongoing conflict.

With Russia continuing to take control of the country, more resources are needed to:

Provide military assistance to Ukrainian forces;
Address the humanitarian crisis created by this conflict; and
Support our allies in the region.
A large portion of the bill will also go to backfill DOD’s weapons and equipment.

The United States has the best weapons in the world, and it is critical that we not only supply those to our allies in their time of need – as we have done to Ukraine – but that we ensure our own troops continue to have what they need.

As China, Iran, and North Korea watch our response, we must show the world that America stands firm with its allies and will do what is necessary to protect our interests abroad.

For these reasons, I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this bill, and I reserve the balance of my time.

In a Twitter thread outlining her opposition to the bill, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) hit on multiple objectionable points.

In the America LAST $40 BILLION Ukraine FIRST bill that we are voting on tonight, there is authorization for funds to be given to the CIA for who knows what and who knows how much?

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But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

$54 million for #Covid4Ever

Why not just keep Title 42 in place?

And $900 million to be given to “qualified” organizations and non-profits, aka friends and family of politicians “businesses,” to provide wrap-around services (look that one up), housing, medical, and just free everything.

But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers.

Anyone that just walked through Ukraine qualifies for resettlement!

But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

And entitlement programs.

All of the entitlement programs?

BUT NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

Slush fun (sic) for the State Department for Ukraine AND other countries.

And a brand new embassy in Ukraine, presumably.

BUT NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

Greene also spoke out in the House against the bill.

The bill now goes to the Senate, where its future is somewhat murky, AP reports.

But it was unclear when the Senate would act, and changes there were possible, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., insisting that the measure be narrowly focused on the war.

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“I think we’re on a path to getting that done,” McConnell told reporters. “It needs to be clean of extraneous matters, directly related to helping the Ukrainians win the war.”

Story cited here.