February 3, 2025
Harris campaign job applications are allowing potential new hires to make up "custom" preferred pronouns, or choose from an extensive list that includes preferred pronoun suggestions such as "Fae/Faer" "Hu/Hu" and "Ey/EM" among others. The Harris campaign is also asking applicants to identify whether they are gay, or straight, and included a so-called "optional" diversity survey in their applications that asks applicants to identify their gender identity.

The Harris campaign appears to be offering maximum inclusivity with unlimited preferred pronoun options for potential new hires to choose from when filling out their applications. 

Immediately after supplying one’s full name and resume, Harris for President job applicants are given a menu of “pronouns” to choose from, including identifiers such as “Fae/faer,” “Hu/hu,” “Ey/em,” and “Xe/xem,” among others. If, for some reason, none of the nine recommended pronouns the Harris campaign lists work for an applicant, they can check a box that reads “Custom” and enter in whatever pronouns they want. 

Harris campaign application offers new hires chance to pick 'custom' pronouns.

Image of Harris for President application that includes a list of nine different pronoun identifiers, as well as an option to create “custom” pronouns if none that are included fit an applicant’s preference.

In addition to its unlimited array of pronoun options, the Harris campaign’s job applications also ask potential new hires to explain how they will “contribute to building a diverse culture” if they are hired. Meanwhile, the applications include a so-called “optional” diversity survey, which the campaign says helps them “evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts.” The survey asks applicants to once again identify their preferred pronouns, as well as their gender identity and whether they are gay or straight.


The Harris campaign's so-called 'optional' diversity survey asks potential new hires to share their gender identity and sexual preferences. 

The Harris campaign’s so-called ‘optional’ diversity survey asks potential new hires to share their gender identity and sexual preferences.