March 9, 2025
As crime rates have been rising all over the U.S. for two years, President Biden has finally decided he wants to spend more money to prevent violent crime. Biden planned...

As crime rates have been rising all over the U.S. for two years, President Biden has finally decided he wants to spend more money to prevent violent crime.

Biden planned to travel to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Thursday to outline his plan to prevent violent crimes and increase police forces, Fox News reported.

Biden is expected to ask Congress to spend about $37 billion on his anti-crime program, which would include $13 billion to help communities hire and train 100,000 police officers in the next five years.

A senior administration official said Biden’s plan will also “include $3 billion to help clear court backlogs and resolve cases involving murders and guns. The president also wants to use $15 billion to create a grant program that would fund ideas for preventing violent crime or creating a public health response to nonviolent incidents, aimed at reducing the burden on law enforcement,” Fox reported.

The remaining $5 billion would go toward supporting programs working to stop violence before it can occur.


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While Biden’s sentiments to decrease crime rates may show that his heart is in the right place, his proposal comes years too late.

The year 2021 brought record-breaking crime rates for many U.S. cities.

But this year, many of the same cities that broke records in 2021 are set to break those records once again.

Do you think spending this much money will actually help decrease violent crimes?

Yes: 5% (4 Votes)

No: 95% (74 Votes)

“Baltimore, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Atlanta, and New York City are all on pace to break their 2021 levels of violent crime halfway through this year, with the nation’s largest city leading the group,” according to Fox News.

New York City, for instance, has had a 25.8 percent jump in violent crimes thus far in 2022 compared to the same time in 2021.

Homicides in particular have been driving up the overall violent crime rate.

From 2019 to 2020 homicides rose 30 percent, then another 5 percent between 2020 and 2021.

That means thousands of lives were lost due to violent crime, all under Biden’s presidency.

But only now, a year and a half later, is Biden finally considering how to lower the crime rate.


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Regardless of the pros and cons of spending $37 billion on a plan to lower violent crime (that kind of spending is not going to help inflation), the fact of the matter is that this is coming much too late.

Sure, violent crimes will always be around and will always need to be stopped. Law enforcement can always be improved.

But the Biden administration sat around for a year and a half while record amounts of Americans were being murdered, assaulted, robbed, raped and more.

This is not going to help the Biden administration save face or improve American opinion.

If anything, it will just highlight the incompetency of Biden for not proposing crime-stopping plans much sooner.