September 30, 2024
Considering all they have done to destroy both freedom and the rule of law, establishment operatives' latest act of jaw-dropping chutzpah might actually rank among their more mundane transgressions. On Monday, Jim Geraghty of National Review reported that one of his readers received an email from the U.S. Department of...

Considering all they have done to destroy both freedom and the rule of law, establishment operatives’ latest act of jaw-dropping chutzpah might actually rank among their more mundane transgressions.

On Monday, Jim Geraghty of National Review reported that one of his readers received an email from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) touting Vice President Kamala Harris’s tie-breaking vote in the passage of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.

On the social media platform X, Geraghty and others denounced the taxpayer-funded email as “straight-up electioneering” and “beyond inappropriate.”

As Geraghty noted, the 1939 Hatch Act “limits certain political activity of federal employees while they are on duty, in the federal workplace, or acting in their official capacity.”

Those limits could include “workplace speech with an arguable nexus to policy … particularly if it occurs close to or is intended to influence an election.”


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If election-related “workplace speech” could violate federal law, then what about an official HHS email to prospective voters?

The email had no obvious non-partisan purpose besides alerting recipients to Medicare Open Enrollment. Thus, it probably should have taken no more than one or two paragraphs to provide a brief explanation and link.

Instead, the email appeared as a lengthy message directly from President Joe Biden. It went on for ten paragraphs, touting “historic reforms” and the work of “my Administration.”

Worse yet, it mentioned Harris twice.

Should the Biden-Harris administration be investigated over this?

Yes: 100% (19 Votes)

No: 0% (0 Votes)

“Vice President Harris and I believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. I encourage you to take advantage of these new, lower-cost benefits as part of stronger, better Medicare coverage that you deserve,” the final paragraph read.

The reference to Harris in the final paragraph appeared only because of her standing as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. No honest and reasonable person could believe otherwise.

On X, Geraghty called it “straight-up electioneering that doesn’t belong in a taxpayer-funded official communication.”


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Another X user called it “beyond inappropriate.”

The email’s slippery wording, of course, could not conceal its obvious intent.

“I think they crossed the line. The email does not say vote for Kamala. But that is clearly the purpose of the email,” another X user wrote.

The idea that the Biden regime would ignore federal law should strike us as shocking — shocking!

Or, maybe not.

After all, Biden and Harris have ignored federal law by facilitating a border invasion and thereby abetting child trafficking.

More broadly, the deep state and its minions in Big Tech have repeatedly interfered in elections, whether by suppression of election-related news or by direct endorsement of the establishment’s preferred candidate, in this case Harris.

With help from weaponized law enforcement, the Biden regime has also thrown political opponents into prison — a hallmark of despotic banana republics.

Establishment operatives have repeatedly indicted and prosecuted former President Donald Trump. And many Americans have good reason to suspect the deep state of far worse.

Meanwhile, federal law enforcement officials have yet to bring charges against a single (powerful) client of the late accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

So far, none of the people involved in those myriad lies and crimes have suffered consequences.

Thus, surely one email of dubious legality will not unsettle the consciences of such tyrants.

Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

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