October 9, 2024
This is the seventh installment in The Western Journal’s series “Biden-Harris Breaking the Ten Commandments.” Click on this link to read the rest of the series. During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said whoever diminishes the commandments and "teaches others to do the same will be called least in...

This is the seventh installment in The Western Journal’s series “Biden-Harris Breaking the Ten Commandments.” Click on this link to read the rest of the series.

During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said whoever diminishes the commandments and “teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven” [emphasis added].

This point is made clear in the introduction to this series, but it’s worth reiterating as we examine the Seventh Commandment.

“You shall not commit adultery,” Exodus 20:14 said.

Jesus’ quote is worth reiterating because the Biden-Harris administration’s influence goes far beyond merely enforcing the law.

It is certainly the case that the Biden-Harris administration has not passed any laws that openly promote spousal cheating (or, at least, no such laws are explicitly written that way).

But it has openly promoted, enforced and worked with Democrats in Congress to pass various laws that undermine the importance of keeping sex within the bounds of a biblically-defined marital union.

The current administration has not only, by doing so, undermined marital sexual union but also endorsed a perversion of it.

That perversion, and the promotion of it, have no doubt aided in our culture’s decline away from honoring the marital union.

After our nation’s leaders have been “teaching others” to flout the importance of sex — marital or otherwise — for so long, is it any surprise that modern rates of adultery are the highest they’ve ever been?

How Cultural Perversion Causes More Adultery

Scripture makes it clear how sacred sex is.

Sex goes far beyond merely symbolizing oneness, it cements it. It joins together a man and a woman physically, emotionally and even spiritually.

Nevertheless, many today believe that sex is a meaningless physical transaction. Those who believe as much often say an individual’s personal feelings and emotions should be the ultimate guide for one’s sexual proclivities.


Biden-Harris Breaking the Ten Commandments: Part Six – A Trail of Bodies Leading Back to the White House

In other words, if two people feel sexually attracted to one another, those feelings should be explored and appeased.

At one time, many Christians in Corinth felt much the same way. This was no doubt due to the influence of the surrounding pagan culture.

That’s why in his letter to the church, Paul made it clear that sex outside the bounds of marriage is a spiritual perversion with spiritual consequences.

“Do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For as it is written, ‘The two will become one flesh,’” 1 Corinthians 6:16 read.

In our current culture, these sorts of unholy unions of the flesh are becoming more and more common.

Is every example of this sexual depravity a clear example of “adultery,” i.e. sex between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse? Not necessarily.

But this culture of constant permissiveness — and even worship of — sex outside the bounds of marriage between a man and a woman is a culture that ultimately encourages adultery.

The further away from honoring the union of marriage we get, the more adultery is accepted, allowed and even endorsed.

Hard data backs this up.

According to Techreport, the rate of infidelity has skyrocketed in recent decades, hitting its highest levels in just the last few years.

In the 1960s, that rate was around 5 percent. As of 2021, it hit a staggering 21 percent.

The more we disregard and undermine the importance of the marital sex, the greater the prevalence of non-marital forms of sex — including adultery — become.

The Biden-Harris Role in This

But how exactly has the Biden-Harris regime undermined the marital union?

Well, in many ways. For instance, as we examined in part five of this series, various family-killing welfare policies reward low-income single mothers for staying single and punish them for getting married.

But outside of such policies, the Biden-Harris administration has undermined the biblically-defined marriage by acting as the most pro-LGBT administration in U.S. history.

According to the pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the current administration has launched a “historic” campaign to push LGBT values, policies and laws.

For example, the administration has helped increase and expand protections for LGBT individuals in healthcare, business, education and other areas.

This includes many laws that have been passed, including the “Equality Act,” which is currently stuck in Congress.

The Equality Act would essentially expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination on the grounds of “sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation.”

Per the National Review, this would in effect force the rest of the culture who may not agree with LGBT sexual values to violate their conscience.

“The law’s drafters assert that ‘many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals often continue to face discrimination, harassment, and violence at work, at school, and in public accommodations,’ yet rely largely on an activist definition of ‘discrimination, harassment, and violence’ that would be unrecognizable to any reasonable person,” National Review reported.

“Is it ‘discrimination’ to insist that young men do not compete against women in sports, for instance? Is it ‘harassment’ to refuse to use — out of conscience or good grammar — newly invented speech codes (‘call me they/them’)? Is it ‘violence’ to insist that men who undergo ‘sex change’ genital surgery are still, biologically speaking, men? The bill’s most ardent supporters and lobbyists think so.”

The bill’s protections wouldn’t be limited to the above examples of gender expression. It would also force businesses to accept, promote and cater their services to those engaging in sexual sin.

For example, bakers like Jack Phillips will be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings. Schools could be forced to teach homosexually-focused safe sex courses. Churches would be forced to perform same-sex weddings. And the list goes on from there.

The Biden-Harris administration has also put on various events, often at the White House, promoting LGBT lifestyles.

As noted by HRC, it has also pushed a policy “protecting” LGBT youth from non-affirming foster parents, i.e. parents who don’t agree with Biden and Harris’ sexual values.

“The proposed rule would require that every state’s child welfare agency ensure that LGBTQI+ children in their care are placed in foster homes where they will be protected from mistreatment related to their sexual orientation or gender identity, where their caregivers have received special training on how to meet their needs, and where they can access the services they need to thrive,” a White House fact sheet said of the law.

President Biden also signed the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act,” according to the HRC. The act guarantees federal protections and benefits for same-sex marriages, enshrining them as legally equal to true, biblically defined marriages between a man and woman.

All these things Biden and Harris have done support and even promote sexual depravity.

By doing so, the Biden-Harris administration is leading people into sin.

Their constant push — in conjunction with the larger Democratic Party — to create new laws making the rest of us complicit in that sin threatens to lead the rest of us astray, as well.

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