President Joe Biden is hinting that he may decide to call it quits after this first term is up.
During an interview with “60 Minutes” on Sunday night, Biden made an admission that many may consider to be a huge one.
Host Scott Pelley opened with a few verbal hits about the inflation rate, pointing out that the annual inflation rate this past Tuesday came in at 8.3 percent, the stock market took a nosedive and people are angry about their grocery bills.
He asked Biden what he could be doing better.
“Well, first of all,” Biden said, “let’s put this into perspective. The inflation rate month to month was just — just an inch, hardly at all.”
“You’re not arguing that 8.3 is good news,” Pelley said.
Biden willingly admitted it wasn’t good news, but countered that it was 8.2 percent before.
Pelley pointed out that the inflation rate is at its highest in 40 years.
Biden said he understood that, but from his perspective, for the last several months it has basically been even. He went on to state that he believes an improving economy is a slow process.
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He said he did not believe things would continue to get worse before they get better.
However, most Americans aren’t buying into that.
Most Americans, nearly 70 percent, are of the opinion that the economy is headed into a downward spiral. In fact, they believe a recession is on the way, and nearly two-thirds aren’t financially prepared for it, according to Magnify Money.
When asked if he would run for president again, Biden said, “My intention, as I said to begin with, is that I would run again. But it’s just an intention. But is it a firm decision that I run again? That remains to be seen.”
Interestingly, most Democrats don’t want Biden to run again.
In July, a New York Times/Siena College poll reported that 64 percent of Democratic voters would prefer someone else to represent their party.
The top two reasons why Democrats want a different candidate were Biden’s age and his job performance.
The Times also reported that only 13 percent of Americans believe the United States is on the right track. This is the lowest point in a Times poll in over a decade.