The Biden administration is a joke, but it’s not just any joke. It’s a killer joke.
The absurdity of the current administration belongs in a sitcom that would no doubt be funny. But it’s not a comedy. It’s reality, and this joke of an administration is killing America.
In one example, illegal migrants are streaming across the southern border in record numbers. So what’s Biden do? He sells off the border wall.
Yes, the Biden administration is selling materials that were to be used to construct the border wall. Just this week, 30-foot structural tubes were sold to the highest bidder, according to Fox News.
The price? Anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000.
More tubes will be up for sale on Wednesday, starting at just $1,000. All you have to do to buy a piece of America’s security is visit this auction site.
Republican senators blasted Biden in statements to Fox.
“By auctioning off these border wall materials that I have worked to put to use, President Biden is leaving our homeland vulnerable and looking the other way as he wastes taxpayer dollars,” Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst said.
“President Biden should finish the wall, not sell it.”
Is Biden responsible for the border crisis?
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Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker said, “It’s outrageous that the Biden administration continues to press on with these fire sales of border wall panels. … They should be put to use securing our border and protecting our homeland, not going to the scrap heap.”
It’s unclear who is buying the materials. It seems nothing is clear when it comes to Joe Biden.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers claimed in a statement to Fox that it is “disposing of the excess border wall materials in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation.”
Of course, these materials are being auctioned off at a time when illegal immigration is skyrocketing.
According to the New York Post, the number of families illegally crossing the southern border hit an all-time high last month, and border agents encountered more illegal migrants in August — around 230,000 — than any other month this year.
If that’s not bad enough, the Border Patrol is opening gates in the border wall along the Arizona border.
Why? Officials say it’s to control flooding. What they don’t say is that an average of 1,400 illegal aliens are walking through every day. Despite a lack of rain, the gates are still open and illegal migrants are still pouring in.
There can be no doubt that the Biden administration is hell-bent on allowing as many illegal immigrants into the country as possible. It can only mean that Biden and crew mean to change America from the inside out — by bringing the outside in.
According to Fox, Republicans have urged the Biden administration to suspend the sale of some $260 million worth of unused border wall materials.
They are also trying to pass the Finish It Act, which would require the administration to “use the construction materials to secure the southwest border as originally intended, or to transfer them to border states for that purpose.”
But is it too little too late? Is it all — to borrow from T.S. Eliot — “shape without form” and “gesture without motion”?
You be the judge. But make no mistake, the Biden administration has no sense of humor. It is deadly serious.
It’s a killer joke.