This just in: A bear has been spotted on a package of Toblerone candy.
Well, that’s not exactly true. But in the familiar mountain logo of the tasty treat, which is often found in Christmas stockings, there is the image of a bear.
Except most people don’t notice it.
The discovery came to light several years ago, when the mother of a 10-year-old tweeted that the boy spotted the bear and wondered about it.
“My son had his first Toblerone today,” she tweeted and her son asked her, “What’s the bear for?”
“What bear?” asked the mom. And then she saw it. It was there all along, but she never noticed it until she was “today years old.”
It’s become big news.
My son had his first Toblerone today. “What’s the bear for?”
Me: “what bear?”
I was today years old when I found out there’s a bear in the Toblerone logo. pic.twitter.com/CmwRO2BFww— Stephanie (@upstephanie) December 27, 2018
Now, nearly 31,000 “likes” and almost 10,000 retweets later, the discovery of Stephanie and her son can certainly be said to have gone viral.
Have you ever noticed the bear on the Toblerone packaging?
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People had been eating Toblerone chocolate candy for years and never noticed the bear. But there it is, right on the package, clearly outlined by shading on the mountain logo.
Stephanie later tweeted that Toblerone candy is made in Bern, Switzerland, which is known as the city of bears.
Toblerone comes from Bern, Switzerland. Also known as the city of bears. 🐻 🇨🇭
— Stephanie (@upstephanie) December 27, 2018
To which Geoff Loughton responded with a tweet containing what he said was the city’s coat of arms, which features a bear.
Here’s the city’s coat of arms! pic.twitter.com/NvMLzxMqQl
— Geoff Loughton (@gloughto) December 28, 2018
Other Twitter responses to the perception by Stephanie’s son were almost as intriguing as the discovery itself. Many individuals said they had been eating Toblerone candy for a long time, but had never noticed the bear in the logo.
71 yrs old, 50 Christmas’ of Toblerone and after a search of the package, I FINALLY found the Bear! Your son is brilliant!
— Marty Kennedy (@themartyone) December 27, 2018
Heck, I’ve been eating these for years and never noted the bear. Smart Kid.
— Julie Ali (@JulieYAli) December 28, 2018
One individual tweeted that the bear was “hidden in full view for 60+ years to me,” according to The New York Post.
Despite the discovery, some still couldn’t see it.
Where?? Staring at it for ages…where?!
— DCHC (@redgintea) December 28, 2018
I still can’t see the bear 🙁 Sigh
— Ghazala Wahab (@ghazalawahab) December 28, 2018
Here’s a post that spells it out, for those still having trouble seeing it.
According to the official Toblerone webpage, the Toblerone chocolate bar originated in Bern, Switzerland, also known as ‘the city of bears’. That’s why its logo features…a bear? What?!?
Source: https://t.co/ytga7x7KQ8 pic.twitter.com/8CFcUwIPTR
— Annie Cushing (@AnnieCushing) March 7, 2022
Some respondents got downright fancy with the issue.
And the Matterhorn pic.twitter.com/yIz6sRAWbY
— Marta (@marteire) January 1, 2019
You’ve seen the arrow in FedEx, right? The mom in Wendy’s collar? the 31 in Baskin Robbins, the extra kiss in Hershey’s Kisses, the chip dippers in Tostitos? Make it a game with your kiddo to see how many they can spot when you go shopping or on a car trip. Might be fun.
— watery tart 🇱🇹🧏♀️🪆🏳️🌈 (@ezerinis) December 27, 2018
And when you see the Toblerone bear, you own it.
Once you see, you can’t unsee. It is there.
— Peeyush (@peeyushrao) December 28, 2018