March 10, 2025
Brittany Aldean, the wife of country superstar Jason Aldean, has been attack from the left recently because of her advocacy for protecting children. Instead of bowing to the woke mob...

Brittany Aldean, the wife of country superstar Jason Aldean, has been attack from the left recently because of her advocacy for protecting children.

Instead of bowing to the woke mob as too many celebrities have, Brittany Aldean doubled down.

The controversy started when Aldean shared a post on Instagram of herself getting ready for a night out last week.

“I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase,” Aldean wrote. “I love this girly life.”

She was referring to a troubling trend of parents believing they should change their children’s gender to make them feel more comfortable, and she happened to be exactly right.


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Children often go through phases when they are younger in which they become interested in certain topics for a period of time. For some girls like Aldean, their interests include things that are more commonly thought to be male interests, such as playing sports.

As Aldean explained, the fact that she went through a phase where she was a tomboy who was interested in sports did not mean she needed to change her gender to male. Instead, it meant she was exploring different interests as she grew up, as most children do.

While the comment should not have been controversial in any way, it drew fierce backlash from other country music artists.

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“You’d think celebs with beauty brands would see the positives in including LGBTQ+ people in their messaging,” country music singer Casadee Pope wrote on Twitter. “But instead here we are, hearing someone compare their ‘tomboy phase’ to someone wanting to transition. Real nice.”

“It’s so easy to, like, not be a scumbag human?” country star Maren Morris wrote. “Sell your clip-ins and zip it, Insurrection Barbie.”


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Coming from members of the political left, a party which describes itself as compassionate and welcoming to all, this level of vitriol is incredibly hypocritical. Instead of having a meaningful debate, people like Morris would rather call people names and mock them for their opinions.

As it turns out, Aldean is correct that some parents allow their children to transition while they are going through a phase. To make matters worse, once-conservative networks like Fox News have run pieces praising parents for doing so.

Five-year-olds are not mature enough to make life-changing decisions about their bodies, and parents should not be encouraging or enabling such behavior.

The good news is that Aldean did not let Morris’ immature comments get to her. Instead, she announced the release of a new sweater with the words “Don’t Tread On Our Kids” on it.

“Per usual, my words have been taken out of context over the last week,” Aldean wrote in an Instagram post Wednesday. “Instead of getting twisted about the twisting of my words, I’ve chosen to bring some good out of it.”

Aldean said a portion of the proceeds from the sweatshirts would go to Operation Light Shine, which fights human trafficking and child exploitation.

The clothing website Brittany + Kasi, run by Brittany Aldean and her sister-in-law, Kasi Rosa Wicks, also listed a t-shirt with the phrase “Don’t Tread On Our Kids” on it.

Brittany Aldean refused to stand down in the face of leftist outrage, and more conservatives could learn from her brave actions.