The high priests of climate change are at it again, this time decreeing that 200,000 dairy cows must be put to death to satisfy the left’s global warming religion.
This latest outrage is coming from government officials in Ireland who have announced the destruction of tens of thousands of dairy cows so that officials can meet their climate change goals.
One proposal claims that by reducing the country’s dairy herd by 10 percent, the equivalent of removing 65,000 cows a year for three years, will help officials meet their emissions reduction plans, according to Farmers Weekly citing the Irish Independent newspaper.
“Minister for agriculture Charlie McConalogue told Irish radio station RTE Morning Ireland that a dairy vision group with farmer representatives has been looking into a range of options to reduce emissions on farm,” Farmers Weekly added.
The Irish government intends to have the country functioning with zero carbon emissions by 2050, TVP World added.
Unsurprisingly, the plan was not looked on favorably by Ireland’s dairy and farmers sectors.
“Reports like this only serve to further fuel the view that the government is working behind the scenes to undermine our dairy and livestock sectors,” Irish Farmers’ Association president Tim Cullinan said. “While there may well be some farmers who wish to exit the sector, we should all be focusing on providing a pathway for the next generation to get into farming.”
Aside from trying to maintain, if not grow, Ireland’s farming sector, Cullinan also warned that such fool-headed government policies will also affect the local supply chain and force Ireland to outsource its purchase of dairy products.
One might say, “well, duh,” to that, of course. If you eliminate your source of dairy products at home, you must either stop people from using dairy products or replace your source of those products with foreign providers.
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People aren’t going to stop drinking milk or eating cheese just because the government wants to pretend it is “doing something” about climate change.
So, what does that mean? It means that people will be forced to buy their dairy from foreigners. And what else does that mean? It means foreign farmers will have to increase their production in other places.
OK, now follow me here, Ireland. What ELSE does that mean? Yes, it means that all you are doing is transferring your emissions to other countries and that your supposed climate change “fixes” aren’t really doing anything at all because you’ll just be increasing emissions somewhere else.
The Telegraph’s Jamie Blackett called the whole plan a sort of “madness.”
“Spending vast sums of taxpayer’s money on destroying productive animals would be a perfect summation of the net zero madness infecting the West. The Irish Department of Agriculture has said that the report was just a ‘modeling document’, but no sane government would even get to the point of including such a plan in ‘a deliberative process’” Why? Because it is irrational,” he wrote.
But the plan is not exactly new. TVP World noted that there has been talk of eliminating as many as 1.3 million cattle to meet government climate goals.
“The government’s Environmental Protection Agency produced a report in February this year proposing a 30% reduction in Irish cattle, which would equate to killing well over half a million cows,” the outlet reported.
Governments are also pushing synthetic foods in hopes of replacing real food.
Such “innovations” presumably include eliminating meat and forcing everyone to eat bugs. Other “solutions” could involve the development of synthetic meats that apparently contain precancerous cells.
These sort of harebrained schemes to meet climate goals are the talk of leftist governments everywhere, granted. Recently President Joe Biden’s “climate czar,” John Kerry, also talked of targeting America’s family farms for destruction to satisfy the left’s climate change obsession.
In May, Kerry exclaimed that transforming or eliminating agriculture in the U.S. was his new “front and center” focus.
All this only means that our food chain needed to feed the nearly 8 billion humans on this planet is being endangered by climate change alarmists and government hacks, not just in the U.S. or Europe, but across the entire globe.