If you’re a conservative who spends any significant amount of time on Twitter, you’ve most likely ran into fiery Daily Wire host Matt Walsh.
The self-described “theocratic fascist” and conservative pundit has never had any qualms about being outspoken on any number of societal issues, perhaps most prominently when it comes to the topic of transgenderism. Indeed, Walsh’s biggest claim to fame is his seminal documentary “What Is a Woman?”
That film became an overnight sensation within conservative and GOP circles, thanks to its brutally honest, funny and searing take down of the transgender craze sweeping the country. Walsh has also penned a children’s book highlighting the fallacies of trangenderism.
So Walsh is a big deal within conservative circles … which also makes him a big target for the left.
If you’re a conservative who spends any significant amount of time on Twitter, you’ve most likely seen that Walsh’s Twitter account (which boasts 1.7 million followers) was hacked Tuesday evening.
It was obvious something was amiss based on the out-of-character tweets that emanated from the account. While they’ve been deleted, those tweets included bizarre ramblings like “My Pronouns Are That/N****” and “Joe Rogan Is A Pedophile.”
It was a chaotic couple of hours on Twitter, with both conservatives and liberals having some sort of a visceral reaction to Walsh’s hack.
Over the last year my family has been harassed, threatened, doxxed, and now we can add hacked to the list. Apparently the hacker had an “insider” who gave him access to my phone. A lot we still don’t know. But we’re finding out. And there will be consequences.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 19, 2023
Things have since settled down, and it does appear Walsh is back in control of his own Twitter account, but The Daily Wire host has now shed some light on what exactly happened to him — and it should terrify everyone, conservative or liberal.
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“Over the last year my family has been harassed, threatened, doxxed, and now we can add hacked to the list. Apparently the hacker had an ‘insider’ who gave him access to my phone. A lot we still don’t know. But we’re finding out. And there will be consequences,” Walsh tweeted out Thursday evening.
In a follow-up tweet, Walsh noted that “members of the media who openly solicited stolen information from my phone” will also be facing consequences, continuing, “Fortunately we can afford very good lawyers.”
I have also made note of the members of the media who openly solicited stolen information from my phone. There will be consequences there too. Fortunately we can afford very good lawyers.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 19, 2023
One such media member who is already under a bit of fire is Dell Cameron, a senior reporter for tech magazine WIRED, who Walsh has accused of “directly” soliciting stolen information.
Your reporter directly solicited stolen material from my phone. A Twitter suspension is going to be the least of his problems, and yours. https://t.co/WvAut60KJ7
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 20, 2023
Walsh didn’t mince words and made quite the litigious threat when he told WIRED and Cameron that a “Twitter suspension is going to be the least of his problems, and yours.”
Journalist Andy Ngo did a good job capturing Cameron’s alleged misdeeds, which did include openly soliciting direct messages (DMs) to his email account:
Dell Cameron, a leftist senior reporter for WIRED, used Twitter to solicit stolen information belonging to @MattWalshBlog, who was hacked last night. pic.twitter.com/wsaOWRmPnc
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) April 19, 2023
While some outlets clearly saw an opportunity within Walsh’s troubles, to Walsh’s boss, Daily Wire head honcho Jeremy Boreing, this was no trifling matter as the hack went well beyond some personal messages on Twitter. Boreing also graciously made it clear that nothing unearthed from these hacks will have any bearing on Walsh’s standing with The Daily Wire.
What scandalous information will the hackers find in Matt’s email? I do not know. I’m sure I said things in my twenties that I wouldn’t feel great having aired publicly.
What will @realDailyWire‘s response be to things 20-year-old Matt may have said?#LOL
— Jeremy Boreing (@JeremyDBoreing) April 19, 2023
“What will @realDailyWire’s response be to things 20-year-old Matt may have said?” Boreing tweeted out, before answering his rhetorical question with the universal acronym for laughing out loud. “#LOL.”
While Walsh appears to be back in control of his account (his Twitter account is discussing transgenderism, the evils of anime, and general culture clashes again), he did note that his team is still trying to get to the bottom of this whole ordeal.
Very grateful for the support of the Daily Wire, @JeremyDBoreing, @benshapiro and the whole team. Can’t imagine going through something like this without these kinds of resources. Which of course is the situation most victims face.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 20, 2023
“As soon as the hacking attack started, I was on the phone with our tech team, security team, lawyers and executives. They all worked around the clock. They’re still working to find out exactly what happened, who did it, and how,” Walsh tweeted.
“Can’t imagine going through something like this without these kinds of resources. Which of course is the situation most victims face.”