If the gay sex scandal rocking the Capitol these days proves nothing else, it shows that to some Democrats, there really is nothing “sacred.”
That’s the message from Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin anyway, the now-former employer of the man identified as being on the receiving end of anal sex during a romp that was recorded in a Senate hearing room and reported Friday by the Daily Caller.
Cardin is a guy who once took to the Senate floor to describe the U.S. Capitol as a “sacred space.” But he’s singing a lawyerly song now.
In a video posted to X by conservative social media activist Colin Rugg, Cardin is shown in a video comparing the January 2021, Capitol incursion to the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
Democrat Senator Ben Cardin previously ranted about how the US Capitol was a “sacred space” and is “so much more” than a building while comparing J6 to 9/11.
Yesterday, video was released of his staffer having gay s*x in this “sacred space.”
… and what did Cardin have to say?… pic.twitter.com/9MSAffEUGm
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) December 16, 2023
“I refer to the U.S. Capitol as ‘sacred space’ because it’s so much more than a building where the Senate and House of Representatives meet and conduct business,” Cardin said in the video.
“It is the embodiment of our ideals, our aspirations and hopes — not just to Americans, but also to all of humanity.” Now, those words should be coming back to haunt him.
In a split screen, Rugg posted the initial scene of the gay sex video that became public on Friday. The effect is to juxtapose Cardin’s ludicrous oratory — likening the confrontation of the Capitol incursion that left one dead to national tragedies that killed Americans by the thousands — with the image of an apparently naked man submitting to anal penetration by another man in the “sacred space” of a Senate hearing room.
Should Senator Cardin resign?
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The fact that the man has been identified as Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a 24-year-old now-former legislative aide in Cardin’s office, just makes the juxtaposition more jarring.
And what is Cardin’s office saying now?
“Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate,” the office said in a statement, according to the Washington Examiner. “We will have no further comment on this personnel matter.”
Really? No soaring eloquence about the hope of all humanity being turned into a backdrop for a D.C. domination/submission fantasy?
No hyperbole about a literal stain on the seat of American democracy?
Nope. Just “no further comment.”
They hypocrisy is undeniable — and social media users noticed.
After hearing Senator Ben Cardin’s thoughts on J6, did his staffers commit an insurrection on the Senate floor?
— Atlanta Conservative (@AtlantaConserv1) December 16, 2023
(“Insurrection” probably isn’t quite the word.)
The sanctity of the Capitol, it seems, is selective. Senator Cardin’s sanctimonious rhetoric about the Capitol as a ‘sacred space’ crumbles as his staffer’s scandalous actions come to light. The hypocrisy is staggering, and the feeble response only adds to the double standards.
— Jane Adams (@iLoveJaneAdams) December 16, 2023
Just another episode of liberal double standards on full display for all to see.
But do the left’s voters even notice it?
— Kevin M. Nelson (@KevinMNelsonUSA) December 16, 2023
Cardin, the current chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced in May that he is not running for re-election next year, as The Associated Press reported at the time.
So a man who’s served since 2007 in the Senate, according to his Senate biography, and for 20 years in the House before that, has apparently had his fill of the “sacred space” apparently desecrated by one of his own staffers.
And there’s no getting around the mockery — the sneering indecency on display.
Want to make a gay porn video? Knock your socks off. The country is full of potential sets — and D.C. probably has more than its share per capita than, say, Salt Lake City. They weren’t in the Senate hearing room because there was nowhere else to be. They were in the Senate hearing room to deliberately defile what Cardin claimed to hold so dear.
Maybe he might want to think about pushing his retirement date up a little bit — like maybe resign tomorrow.
It’s long past time Americans have had their fill of Democratic hypocrisy.
They have no shame. They have no guilt. And they’ve long since abandoned any pretense of decency.
When it comes to a rapidly growing group of Democrats in the 21st century, there really is nothing sacred.