Six days after the Roe v. Wade overturn, California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu was detained Thursday by Capitol Police during a pro-abortion protest outside the Supreme Court.
Protesters, including Chu, blocked the intersection of Constitution Avenue and First Street, Fox News reported. After 181 people were arrested for crowding, obstructing or incommoding, the intersection reopened around 1:20 p.m. Thursday, according to a tweet from the U.S. Capitol Police.
“The decision to march today was easy — I came out to march for the young rape survivor, the woman who cannot afford to travel to another state to access critical care, the mother with an ectopic pregnancy whose life is in danger,” Chu wrote in a tweet following her arrest.
“I came out to march for all of us.”
California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu was arrested, along with other demonstrators Thursday, as they gathered near the Supreme Court to protest the Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Chu and others held signs in a group which blocked streets in Washington, D.C. pic.twitter.com/RgJ0HN20sa
— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 30, 2022
After three warnings, the Capitol Police said they would arrest “anyone who is illegally blocking the intersection.”
Chu posted a video, saying that she was honored “to be arrested alongside” two female pro-abortion activists.
It was an honor to be arrested alongside these young women who are fighting tirelessly to protect our right to abortion. It’s going to take all of us, but we will prevail!#FightBackForFreedom pic.twitter.com/5yb95YCqBR
— Judy Chu (@RepJudyChu) June 30, 2022
Before the arrest, Chu can be seen in a video singing with the other protesters: “We want justice. We want it now.”
You can count on me to never give up in this fight. I’m going to be marching and fighting with you ever step of the way. #BansOffOurBodies pic.twitter.com/3HN5vBdxXy
— Judy Chu (@RepJudyChu) June 30, 2022
Chu said she would work hard to end the Senate filibuster and pass her bill, the Women’s Health Protection Act, according to the congresswoman’s statement.
A filibuster allows prolonged debate in the Senate regarding any legislation.
Sixty votes are needed to pass legislation regarding abortion to codify Roe v. Wade into law. On Thursday, President Joe Biden called on Congress to change the Senate filibuster rules for this occasion, according to CNN.
Chu’s bill, if passed, would federally protect women’s access to abortion care.
“So, when I think of all these women — and more — the decision to join in a peaceful demonstration to make clear we will not allow the clock to be rolled back on abortion rights was easy. We are in this together and we will not back down or be silenced,” her statement read.
“Lives are at stake and this fight is far from over.”
According to the “legal status of abortion” tracker created by The Guardian, six states had banned abortion as of Thursday. The debate of state abortion laws is now currently underway as the medical practice is either soon-to-be banned or under debate in 21 states.
Pro-life advocates have countered many of the arguments of the abortion advocates, saying they are using misinformation and scare tactics to frighten women.
For example, despite Chu’s claim that women with an ectopic pregnancy could lose their life without an abortion, Lila Rose, president and founder of Live Action, said that was a lie.
Pro-abortion activists are saying under pro-life laws, women who have ectopic pregnancies can’t get care.
It’s a lie.
If your doctor is saying this, get a new doctor. Pro-life doctors will treat ectopic pregnancies.
No pro-life law restricts treating ectopic pregnancy.
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) June 29, 2022
Miscarriage management is not abortion.
Removing an ectopic pregnancy is not abortion.If you’ve had a natural miscarriage, you have not had an abortion.
There is a complete legal & moral difference between the tragic loss of a child & the intentional killing of a child.
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) June 27, 2022
She also shared some truths that the abortion activists have refused to acknowledge:
When abortion activists talk about “reproductive rights,” they are using a euphemism.
When a child has been conceived, reproduction has already taken place.
Abortion isn’t a “reproductive right” – it’s a parent choosing to kill their child.
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) June 29, 2022