A teen from New Jersey, who reportedly took his own life by jumping from a New York City skyscraper, made an “eerie” FaceTime call to an ex-girlfriend before his gruesome death, according to a report.
The New York Post reported a man jumped 750 feet from the Mandarin Oriental Hotel at Columbus Circle in Manhattan on Aug. 17.
On Monday, police confirmed the dead man to have actually been 17-year-old Noah Legaspi from New Jersey.
The teen was described as an aspiring fashion designer who had recently gone through a breakup with his girlfriend.
After he video called his ex-girlfriend from atop the building, the girl reached out to Legaspi’s mother and said she was concerned.
She told Legaspi’s mother that her son was at the top of a very tall building but that she did not know where it was.
Getting the teen help was too late. He plunged to his death shortly after, according to the report.
As Legaspi fell, he struck a glass awning, which caused his body to become “split in half.”
According to Legaspi’s 28-year-old brother Luis Legaspi, Noah Legaspi placed the video call to the girl and commented on how beautiful the scenery was.
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“She received an eerie FaceTime call from him from the top of the hotel looking over, and they had a FaceTime call, and he said ‘Look at this pretty view’ and ‘I love you,” Luis Legaspi told the Post.
The grieving brother went on to explain what he believes led to his brother’s decision to take his own life: “They broke it off, and he just was never good at handling his emotions, so post-breakup, I guess, he just wasn’t able to control his thoughts and feelings.”
Legaspi’s family reported him missing in hopes he could be located. But they quickly received news the teen had died a violent death.
A Facebook page that was set up on Saturday to help the family search for him was later converted to a page to remember the high school student.
“We received word last night and are in the process of mourning,” a Tuesday post on the page said. “We, the Legaspi family, appreciate all the time and dedication that was put into finding Noah. The support was insurmountable and for that we are grateful.
The family also asked people who know someone struggling to “[c]all your loved ones” and to “tell them you love them.”
“Hug them tight and never take life for granted,” the family said.
It is believed he made it to the roof of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel by using a service elevator, the Post reported.
Noah Legaspi’s interests reportedly included clothes, music and sports.
Luis Legaspi told the Post, “He was really a one-of-a-kind person. Whoever he was in contact with, he made their day.”