The belief in election integrity has gone out the window, it seems. The majority of Americans no longer believe in an honest election system in our nation.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey verified this horrific reality.
In a poll whose results were announced in a news release on Friday, 1,029 likely U.S. voters were asked, “How likely is it that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating?”
Fifty-six percent responded that it is likely, including 31 percent who said it is very likely.
To that same end, 51 percent of respondents said they believe mail-in ballots make it easier to cheat.
The survey was conducted Nov. 13-15 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points with a 95 percent confidence level.
“How likely is it that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating?”
Men: 54%
Women: 58%
18-39: 62%
40-64: 56%
65+: 48%
White: 55%
Black: 51%
Hispanic: 60%
DEM: 40%
IND: 55%
GOP: 73%
All Voters: 56% https://t.co/63nHpQn2Db— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) November 18, 2023
Many who said voter fraud is likely in 2024 are surely among those who believe former President Donald Trump actually won the 2020 presidential election.
Do you believe cheating will occur in the 2024 presidential election?
Yes: 100% (9 Votes)
No: 0% (0 Votes)
Their ranks seem to be growing amid numerous arrests and convictions for voter fraud.
The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database lists nearly 1,500 proven instances of voter fraud with more than 1,200 criminal convictions.
Questions around Republican Kari Lake’s defeat in the Arizona gubernatorial election last year as well as the recent reports of compromised elections in Pennsylvania and Connecticut have fueled the distrust among voters.
Stealing Americans’ voices and votes through dishonest elections is an act of aggression and terror. That is how many American citizens would define it.
Cries of injustice have moved beyond names like Trump, Lake and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.
More and more Americans are convinced that the very instrument of our republic’s perpetuation — free and fair elections — has been corrupted.
To restore confidence in our elections, we need to enact a single day of voting, require voter identification, adopt paper ballots only and require that hand-tabulated results are announced with 24 hours. Acceptable exceptions for military personnel and the disabled are assumed.
Calls for anything else are calls for allowing cheating to take place.
The time to demand change is now. Fifty-six percent of us agree that it’s sorely needed.