Pennsylvania’s Democratic Sen. John Fetterman posted a video on Twitter in order to address the rumors that he had a body double following his release from the hospital, but the video seems to have done more harm than good.
Fetterman has been battling some serious health problems since running for Senate. During his 2022 campaign, he suffered a stroke that seriously hampered his ability to actively campaign.
Despite this obstacle, Fetterman went on to win the hotly-contested seat. But his health problems were far from over. In mid-February, he was admitted to Walter Reed and diagnosed with clinical depression.
When he was finally released on March 24, one photo of his release uploaded by his staff caught a lot of attention, as it appeared to show someone who looked a little different from the senator, leading many to suspect that he had a body double.
On Tuesday, Fetterman took to Twitter to debunk the rumors of a body double by posting a goofy video trying to make the body double claim look ridiculous.
“I’m feeling great, 100 percent,” he said. “During my time, during the hospital, the fringey fringies really came up with a conspiracy that I have a body double.”
“I just want you that is just crazy. That is not true,” he continued before it cut to another shot of Fetterman walking to the door to talk to himself, giving the effect that it was the body double talking to the senator.
Thought it was time to address the rumor: I do not have a body double. pic.twitter.com/dndGUt9OK7
— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) April 18, 2023
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It is understandable what Fetterman is trying to do in this video. He is having a little fun with the rumors about the body double and trying to make them look ridiculous, but the problem is that the rumors exist in the first place.
I think a DNA sample is in order, here. LOL. That’s not Fetterman on the right. pic.twitter.com/FpcS2FLK0m
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) March 24, 2023
Not to mention, the fragile state of Fetterman’s health leads many people to believe that he has a body double in order to hide the real problems that he is facing.
It is also worth pointing out that Fetterman’s poor mental state is also on display in the video when he said, “During my time, during the hospital.”
“During the hospital”? That does not make grammatical sense. Perhaps he meant to say “during my time in the hospital,” but he tripped over his words.
Fetterman is not the only politician to be facing questions about his mental fitness for office. President Joe Biden has also faced scrutiny about his mental health in light of the embarrassing gaffes that he keeps making.
These are not just people taking cheap political shots at a senator and a president that they do not like, there are many who are genuinely concerned about the ability of these two men to do their job.
Biden’s and Fetterman’s mental health needs to be taken seriously and addressed, otherwise, it is only going to do damage to the country and to their personal lives.