More than half of cable television viewers are watching Fox News Channel, according to recently released ratings.
That’s 56 percent of cable viewers in prime time and 54 percent throughout the day, according to a Fox News Channel news release.
That is an amazing share of audience. So when a leftist scoffs “Where did you learn that? Fox News?” Just say, “Yeah. Along with everyone else.”
Then there’s “Gutfield!” For the first time, Greg’s beating everyone — broadcast and cable — in late night.
More importantly, “Gutfield!” is tromping Stephen (If You Don’t Think He’s Funny, You’re Stupid) Colbert in the important young 25-54 age demographic. That gets serious attention from advertisers — they love that demo.
Wednesday, Fox said it finished November “marking four straight months defeating CNN and MSNBC combined across total day and primetime.”
On election night, Nov. 8, Fox had over 7.4 million viewers, including almost 1.9 million between the ages 25-54, “making it the highest-rated election night coverage in all of television in total viewers and the A25-54 demographic, beating ABC, NBC, CBS and topping CNN and MSNBC combined across the board.”
Oh, and in response to your leftist scoffer, it can be pointed out that Nielsen MRI Fusion reports “FNC also remained the most-watched network across the political spectrum with more Independents and Democrats choosing FNC as their preferred network than MSNBC and CNN in total day and primetime viewers in the A25-54 demo,” the news release said.
There’s more good news for Fox. The most important age demographic to advertisers is 18-49, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Do you enjoy watching Fox News?
Yes: 91% (471 Votes)
No: 9% (46 Votes)
People are becoming individuals and household consumers at that time and are establishing brand loyalty, so advertisers need to aggressively hawk their products.
“The network secured the top 14 programs in cable news with viewers and the top 15 cable news programs in the 25-54 demo,” the release said.
The number one cable show for November was Fox’ “The Five” with an average of 3.7 million viewers. Next came “Tucker Carlson Tonight” with an average of 3.5 million, “Jesse Watters Primetime” with an average of almost 3.2 million, “Hannity” with an average of 3 million, and “Special Report with Bret Baier” with an average of 2.8 million.
Importantly, “Tucker Carlson Tonight” was number one in both 18-49 and 25-54 demos.
“Gutfield!” had its highest month in its brief history with an average of 2.3 million viewers, nearly 400,000 aged 25-54, beating Colbert in both categories.
For hardcore individuals of a different persuasion, it can be noted that the top MSNBC program is fifteenth in cable ratings, “The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell” with an average of almost 1.5 million viewers in November.
CNN has made some noises about adopting a more conservative tone, but recent viewing indicates they have a long way to go. Their top show, “Anderson Cooper 360” drew an average of 933,000 for the month.
Given Fox News Channel’s performance in demographics appealing to advertisers, normally one could say the network has prosperous times ahead.
However, given the insanity in many corporate executive suites, that’s hard to say.
But growing numbers of Americans are getting their information from Fox News.