Greg Gutfeld appeared visibly agitated during a conversation about the Covenant school shooting on the Monday broadcast of Fox News’ “The Five.”
He even noticeably rolled his eyes at co-host Jeanine Pirro, according to Mediaite.
Gutfeld objected to a call for new gun control laws from left-leaning host Jessica Tarlov, interrupting Pirro to argue against Tarlov’s point.
Greg Gutfeld tells fellow host Jeanine Pirro to “control” herself in a tense exchange with his co-anchors. pic.twitter.com/W4Qc2tmh8w
— Derek Friday (@DerekFriday) March 28, 2023
Pirro explained that it is unclear how the shooter acquired the guns used in the attack.
“This is why we shouldn’t be talking about this,” Gutfeld interjected. “Such a joke. All we do is speculate about this stuff. We don’t know anything about how she got the guns.”
Pirro believed that Gutfeld was talking to her. “I just said that. I just said we don’t know,” she said.
An irritated Gutfeld sniped back at her in response. “I know. I’m talking to [Tarlov]. Control yourself.”
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Gutfeld shook his head and rolled his eyes after brushing off his co-host, the normally jovial atmosphere on “The Five” perhaps darkened by a tragedy that can’t be discussed as a casual topic of conversation.
Pirro made her own point with gusto after Gutfeld’s remark. “The bottom line is you need to protect them,” she said. “Lock the d*** door! Period!”
Co-host Jesse Watters then cut in to pivot the segment to an awkward commercial break.
The shooter, Audrey Hale — a 28-year-old woman who identified as a man — attacked Nashville’s Covenant School with three firearms on Monday.
Surveillance video released by Nashville PD shows Audrey Hale driving to Covenant Church/School and then shooting out the windows and breaking into the school. pic.twitter.com/2N9fkOdC2g
— Brian Entin (@BrianEntin) March 28, 2023
Three children, all 9 years old, and three adults were killed before Hale was shot and killed by police.
The circumstances of the attack have led many to classify it as an anti-Christian hate crime. Hale had once attended Covenant, a private Presbyterian school.