When sensible people make unassailable arguments against indefensible claims, the event seldom requires comment. The point is made. Everyone sees it. At least, it used to be that way.
In the United States of 2023, where woke mobs carry palpable absurdities to unprecedented extremes, anything sensible strikes us as noteworthy.
J.K. Rowling, author of the “Harry Potter” book series, tweeted an unassailable reply to those who claim that men pretending to be women pose no threat of physical harm when they enter female-only spaces such as bathrooms or dressing rooms.
Rowling shared a comment from an unidentified user who insisted that potential rapists would not be deterred “by a sign on a door,” and that so-called “trans people” do not “universally represent a threat.”
Above the unidentified user’s comment, Rowling tweeted: “Never forget: it’s far too unsafe for trans women to use men’s bathrooms/changing rooms because they might get assaulted. However, it’s completely fine for any man who identifies as a woman to use women’s bathrooms/changing rooms, because rapists will rape women anyway.”
Never forget: it’s far too unsafe for trans women to use men’s bathrooms/changing rooms, because they might get assaulted.
However, it’s completely fine for any man who identifies as a woman to use women’s bathrooms/changing rooms, because rapists will rape women anyway. pic.twitter.com/7pVPRGh6pI
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 15, 2023
Rowling’s logic is impeccable. To argue that so-called “trans people” need access to female-only spaces, one must assume that so-called “trans people” require more protection than women and girls do.
The acclaimed author has long been a critic of transgender presumptions.
A liberal-leaning feminist, Rowling first drew the ire of transgender radicals in 2019 when she defended a woman who lost her job for saying that sex is real.
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Meanwhile, other prominent female voices are speaking up in defense of their own spaces.
Last month, for instance, Megyn Kelly made a tearful promise to stop using transgender pronouns. Kelly admitted that in the past she had enabled the transgender madness, but she now recognizes the harm in catering to pronoun-related demands.
Riley Gaines, an accomplished University of Kentucky swimmer, has been an outspoken critic of men competing in women’s sports.
Rowling, Kelly, Gaines, and other brave souls have made spirited defenses of women as women.
Transgender ideologues and their powerful woke allies continue to insist that anyone can be a woman, in which case womanhood itself has no meaning.
In her tweet, Rowling obliterated the argument that men dressed as women need access to female-only spaces.
The argument that men dressed as women should have or are entitled to such access stems from the demands of virtue-signalers, narcissists, and people who suffer from severe mental illness.